Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 28 februari 2011
Rottweiler plays mother to orphaned bunnies, birds... and even kittens

They bonded straight away. Now they sleep together, and I've even seen them sharing each other's food.

Dave the rottweiler has helped bring up four ducks, three geese, five rabbits, 13 kittens and five puppies - plus countless new-born chicks

Posted: 10:09:39 AM  

It's because of LYBIA:

Cost of a single egg hits 30p - and price is set to keep rising

A box of six free range eggs costs an average of £1.80 at many major stores, and is likely to rise further.

Posted: 10:05:45 AM  

Stop and consider

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UNESCO and the Deliberate Dumbing Down of the Western World

Hawai Tsunami 2010 after Chile earthquake 8.8

Posted: 9:50:14 AM  

Quake hits southern Chile, a year after huge one

The worst-hit region was in the south, near Concepcion.

As predictated ( feb.24-big one - and feb.27 - recordings -)

Posted: 9:36:37 AM  

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