Daily Motivator
Greater purpose
You cannot see unless you look. You cannot look if you're obsessed with your own problems and concerns.
Accept for a moment that it's not all about you, and what you see will amaze you. Let go for a moment of the need to impose your will, and the freedom will truly empower you.
Your ego drives you to get useful things done. It can also keep you trapped in a prison of your own making.
Certainly you have purpose and desire and they are vitally important. Yet you exist within the whole of creation, and that is very important too.
The abundance in your life has its source in the limitless abundance of all that is. Your own unique purpose is best advanced when it resonates with an even greater purpose beyond you.
Feel the freedom and see the dazzling beauty of rising above your narrow concerns. From a higher perspective, you'll see possibilities you could not have even dreamed of.
Ralph Marston | greatday.com
Posted: 12:57:52 AM