Movie for NOW
Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness Uploaded by MarinaOfLight
Lift your consciousness up to higher levels.
Christconsciousness is your birth-given-right.
(pro)Claim it ...
Don't "follow" ... only the voice of your hearts, for your heart knows The Truth and The Way ...
This video shows you many symbols ... re-member!
Shine on Star Of Bethlehem - another channeled movie
Note from MM:
Jerusalem and Bethlehem are on a leyline, a mother-earth meridian, shown to you in3D pictures like this - (lines).
It is very important that energy lines are restored.
Elites /illuminaties know that, we are most in the dark (still) ... but are waking up.
The more we are angry, in fear ... all low vibrations ( - guilt and shame are the worse (teachings of thechurch) - ) the less we are able to restore energy and lift-up mother earth (thus you).
Wake up.
Posted: 12:17:58 PM