Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 14 januari 2011
Sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparks fear

The sun has arrived two days early in Greenland according to KNR Radio. It usually rises on January 13th but for some reason rose on 1/11/11 this year.

Inhabitants from the area appeared worried when witnessing the strange phenomenon. "The sun is not supposed to be here until January 13th, something isn't right" a 74 year old local reported to KBR radio.

RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service - on MM (scroll down pls) - Jan. 12 - 2011

Posted: 11:17:55 PM  

Flood devastation mapped by high-res sky cams

"It's super high resolution and you can zoom in and see a walnut on the ground without it pixelating."

Total coverage extent of flood flights #Brisbane (via twitter)

Interesting ...

Posted: 10:29:07 AM  

Tiny Tim Is Now Your Big Brother: Geithner To Make It Illegal For You To Support Wikileaks

In a recent letter to the U.S. Treasury, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) has demanded that Tim Geithner place Julian Assange and Wikileaks on the government's list of Specially Designated Nationals, thereby making it illegal for any American citizen or American company to do business with them or to provide them with funding. The list includes international drug dealers, black-market arms dealers, terrorists and the like. Obviously journalists who threaten Bank of America should be included as well.

Somehow 'THEY' must not like US (bloggers) ... I ONEder why (...not!)

Posted: 10:12:33 AM  

I don't mind if you hog the limelight!

The formerly prickly pair who are now best friends.

Side by side on the sofa, Mini Hog the African albino pygmy hedgehog and Mary the terrier couldn't look cosier in each other's company.

'After a few pricks on the nose, the dogs soon learnt their lesson and they all get along fine now.'

Mini Hog, two, lives under a settle by the Aga at the family's Warwickshire home and is so relaxed around the dogs that sometimes she even lies on them when they are asleep.

Posted: 10:07:15 AM  

Now 300 dead birds fall from the sky in Alabama (how much longer can scientists keep saying this is normal?)

The bodies of the birds, identified as grackles, were found strewn along the I-65 highway. (11)

Posted: 10:03:39 AM  

A bit of Humor for Today


Posted: 9:52:43 AM  

Nearly 500 dead in Brazil flood

Freakish storms on Wednesday dumped the equivalent of a months' rain in just a few hours, sending mudslides and fierce torrents slicing through towns and hamlets, destroying homes, roads and bridges and knocking out telephone and power lines.

What happened to the I o n o s p h e r e ?
(this word is 'given' - as most postings on the site are 'presents' ...)

Posted: 9:44:49 AM  

Saving The Planet

The R·kÛczi Uprising

Topsecret 'knowings', out in the Knews

Live WITH the illusion, don't live IN it

Posted: 9:29:57 AM  

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