Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 15 januari 2011
Dante's Inferno

The World of Dante is a multi-media research tool intended to facilitate the study of the Divine Comedy through a wide range of offerings. These include an encoded Italian text which allows for structured searches and analyses, an English translation, interactive maps, diagrams, music, a database, timeline and gallery of illustrations. Many of these features allow users to engage the poem dynamically through the integrated components of this

Posted: 11:49:14 PM  

Hungarians protest new media law

According to the legislation, a new authority has the right to impose major fines on media outlets.

The legislation also has the right to require journalists to reveal their sources on national security issues.

Posted: 3:08:58 PM  

NOT only in pregnant women:

Pregnant Women Awash in Chemicals. Is That Bad for Baby?

The U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 hasn't been updated since its creation, says Woodruff, which is reason enough to demand an overhaul. The law allows chemicals to be distributed in products without first being declared safe.

"If you go into a drugstore and buy shampoo, it can have chemicals in it that could be harmful," says Woodruff. "We need to be re-examining the laws because chemicals are not being sufficiently tested and regulated."

Posted: 3:04:48 PM  

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World

Never Feel Powerless Again

Breaking the Cords that Bind You

Darkworker / Lightworker

Posted: 11:43:32 AM  

Photo Online of Australian Flood - nearmap

Click on 'multiview' to see the 'old' situation ...

Another photo - Click on 'multiview' and photomap


Posted: 11:20:10 AM  

Grandmother dies from swine flu soon after receiving swine flu vaccine

A 68-year-old UK grandmother named Eleanor Carruthers has died from the swine flu.
Importantly, she was given the swine flu vaccine shot several months ago and was told the shot would offer her absolute protection from the flu.

Posted: 11:07:25 AM  

More towns evacuated as record floods hit Victoria

State Emergency Services state controller Trevor White said 12 towns in Victoria's north and north-west had been evacuated during the crisis which began on Tuesday and a similar number could expect to be impacted.

Posted: 10:59:35 AM  

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