Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zondag, 16 januari 2011
Project Hessdalen

Hessdalen is a small valley in the central part of Norway. At the end of 1981 through 1984, residents of the Valley became concerned and alarmed about strange, unexplained lights that appeared at many locations throughout the Valley. Hundreds of lights were observed. At the peak of activity there were about 20 reports a week.

LIVE WEBCAM - at Hessdalen

Posted: 11:57:40 PM  

The Netherlands just had 2 cases (fire) with chemicals - Moerdijk and Schiedam:

Ship with 2,400 tonnes of sulphuric acid capsizes on Rhine river in Germany

The German-owned ship was on its way from Ludwigshafen in south-western Germany to Antwerp, Belgium.

Posted: 11:48:00 PM  

CSI proves Dr Crippen was innocent: DNA tests reveal remains in the cellar 'were not his wife'

Mr di Stefano, who has written to the Justice Ministry calling for a pardon, added: 'Dr Crippen was wrongly convicted of the murder of his wife because, as has been scientifically proved, the remains at the house were not those of his wife.

'Our actions can now vindicate the Crippen family and Dr Crippen who, in his last letter, said that "history will prove I am no murderer".'

Posted: 11:39:57 PM  


A few days ago, sunspot group 1147 was busily launching CMEs from the far side of the sun.
Yesterday it turned toward Earth and immediately quieted down.
Is this the calm before the storm? Stay tuned.

Posted: 11:35:35 PM  

Fritz Springmeier Back in Jail

Latest! Fritz Springmeier has been removed from Oregon Halfway House in Portland.

A friend called but they wont say anything.
Fritz had found a job as a telemarketer and was looking forward to regaining his freedom. He was picked up for "questioning" by the FBI last Wednesday evening.

Posted: 11:33:46 PM  

Surf's up: Thrill-seekers ride waves for FIVE MILES as tidal bore creates huge wall of water

The Arctic Circle is not typically noted as a surfing paradise but enthusiasts might be trading their favourite golden beaches for the chillier waters of Alaska if these pictures are anything to go by.

Posted: 12:03:37 PM  

Now Britain faces threat of flooding as forecasters predict torrential rain for vast swathes of the country

The Met Office has issued severe weather warnings and Cumbria - hit 19 months ago by devastating floods - is again expected to face the brunt of the storms.

Extreme weather has been experienced across the world with the La NiÒa phenomenon causing floods in Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka.

Posted: 11:43:51 AM  

NASA unveils extraordinary ideas for the aircraft of 2025

NASA has revealed three concept designs for quiet, energy efficient aircraft that potentially could be ready for flight as soon as 2025.

In sync with T H I S? - on channeling

Posted: 11:41:11 AM  

The 'Big One' might be a flood

"This storm, with essentially the same probability as a major earthquake, is potentially four to five times more damaging," said Lucy Jones, USGS chief scientist on the study. "That's not something that is in the public consciousness."

Posted: 11:22:53 AM  

Rear rabbits the right way

The Year of the Rabbit is approaching, it could prove very prosperous for those lucky enough to have been born under the sign of the rabbit, which is considered the luckiest of all in the Chinese zodiac.

Posted: 12:26:22 AM  

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