Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 20 januari 2011
Engineer's emails reveal Wivenhoe Dam releases too little, too late to help Brisbane

The emails, which become increasingly urgent in tone as the situation became critical as the dam's levels rise rapidly, were provided to The Australian by a source who said the stream of data had convinced him the river flood of Brisbane could have been largely avoided if the dam's operators had taken action much earlier, reported The Australian.

Posted: 11:23:00 PM  

Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked Pentagon Papers, defends WikiLeaks

The Internet has become a powerful force for transparency, Ellsberg and others said, but the government is attempting to use Silicon Valley companies and technology to use the Internet to gain unparalleled information on American citizens while at the same time using similar techniques to keep its own activities opaque. "You are on the spot," Ellsberg said. "You are facing a challenge with profound implications for our democracy."

Posted: 1:59:38 PM  

3-D means headaches to many, yet companies push on

Based on an unscientific, online survey, the American Optometric Association estimates that 25 percent of Americans have experienced headaches, blurred vision, nausea or similar problems when viewing 3-D. TV makers do their own testing, but don't publish results. Samsung warns on its Australian website that its 3-D TVs can cause "motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain, and decreased postural stability." The last part means viewers risk losing balance and falling.

It is so simple: don't BUY it ....

Posted: 1:56:13 PM  

Sunspot 1147 poses a threat for C-class solar flares


Posted: 10:53:09 AM  

Marina's Masters Back Online

On A Mac!

Thanks Captain L for this Great Gift ....
Your Mac couldn't be in better care ...
He arrived ( yes, it's a boy ! ;-) JUST in time ....
Thank you for all you bring in our lives...

Posted: 10:50:50 AM  

Lynching Good Men Is What They Like To Do

In May of 2010, the council said Andrew Wakefield could no longer practice medicine. Wakefield[base ']s public statements caused widespread alarm that a common childhood vaccine could cause autism has been put down even though evidence and common sense are on his side.
This doctor is a medical hero who is being slandered because his voice comes from within the ranks of medicine and this cannot be tolerated.

Poison the children, stick them with needles, drug [base ']em, cut them out of their mothers[base '] bellies in increasing numbers, and give them, in every case possible, pharmaceuticals instead of safer and more effective natural remedies.

With every passing massive judgment levied against
pharmaceutical firms and with every family who wins
their case at the federal vaccine court, we sustain the view
that vaccines and the companies that make them are dangerous.

Posted: 10:45:20 AM  

NASA plans Valentine's date with a comet

NASA says the Stardust-NExT spacecraft will be rapidly snapping pictures of the Tempel 1 comet as they pass at a mere distance of 200km.

Posted: 10:33:09 AM  

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