Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zondag, 9 januari 2011
Iceland blasts US demand for lawmaker's details in WikiLeaks probe

The subpoena obtained by the US Department of Justice in mid-December was made public on Friday after San Franciso-based Twitter won a legal battle requesting a right to inform the individuals involved. Among the information sought are online connection records, session times, IP addresses used to access Twitter, emails and residential addresses as well as bank and credit card account details.

Individuals whose details were requested also include WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Dutch hacker Rop Gonggrijp, US programmer Jacob Appelbaum and US Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning - who is alleged to have sent Wikileaks the secret diplomatic service cables.


Posted: 12:25:00 PM  

The Triple Goddess - on channeling

"Two Sun" - Tucson - on articles

Jan 8: Congresswoman Giffords shot in Tucson

Posted: 12:21:03 PM  

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