Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 26 januari 2011
Movie For Now

The JourneY
Uploaded by MarinaOfLight

Spiritual movie, a journey through time and space ... Can you re-member?

Posted: 9:08:44 AM  


Spin it, zoom it, dive right into it. Using NASA's 3D Sun app, you can not only view features anywhere on the sun, but also interact with them. Here is a screenshot of today's big eastern coronal hole:

Cartoon spacecraft in the image mark the locations of NASA's twin STEREO probes. Stationed on nearly-opposite sides of the sun, STEREO-A and -B can see 98% of the stellar surface.

The two probes beam their green extreme ultraviolet images to Earth--and right into your iPhone or iPad.

The sun you spin is the realtime sun!
Download it now. (It's free.)

Posted: 9:01:13 AM  

Cartoon for Today

A Sputnik Moment - by Barack Obama

Sputnik - wiki

Posted: 8:58:13 AM  

Playmobil Mindcontrol

Mystery as century-old Swiss watch discovered and "'Huge head' discovered in ancient Mayan city"

Tonight on Dutch TellaVision: a "head" on Tussen Kunst en Kitsch

Posted: 8:40:02 AM  

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