Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 7 januari 2011
It's not only the humans who have lost their homes in the Australian floods

The winged mammals are bottle fed, wrapped up and hung on clotheslines until they are well enough to be released.

Posted: 11:49:08 PM  

After a bit of silence: it's almost COURT-time; pressure is up:

US warns sources exposed by WikiLeaks

Administration officials say those warned include human rights activists, foreign government officials and businesspeople.

Posted: 11:45:20 PM  


Auroras aren't the only colors in the polar sky. Observers around the Arctic Circle are reporting vivid, iridescent nacreous clouds, which form in the stratosphere during the coldest months of northern winter.

"Once seen they are never forgotten," says Marketa Stanczykova who photographed these specimens outside Reykjavik, Iceland, on Jan. 4th.

Posted: 9:15:24 PM  

Pls be safe, it's going to be worse than said:

Maas water level rises as snow melts in the Ardennes

Officials expect the river to reach its maximum height in Maastricht by Saturday morning at the latest.

Other small rivers are also in danger of breaking their banks in some places, Nos television reported.

Posted: 9:14:20 PM  

Mystery of mass animal death epidemic deepens after 8,000 turtle doves fall dead in Italy with strange blue stain on their beaks

Initial tests on up to 8,000 of the doves indicated that the blue stain could have been caused by poisoning or hypoxia.

Posted: 6:58:07 PM  

Another CONsPIRACY theory (I say NaY!):

Moon has liquid core just like Earth... reveal sensors left on lunar surface by astronauts 40 YEARS ago

Signals from seismic sensors left on the lunar surface by Apollo astronauts in 1971 have revealed that the Moon has a liquid core similar to Earth's.

George: IT Waved At Us ...

Posted: 6:45:00 PM  


As expected, a solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field during the early hours of Jan. 7th. The impact sparked a G1-class (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm and bright auroras around the Arctic Circle.

Posted: 11:04:01 AM  

CONsPIRACY theory (I say he's murdered!):

David Kelly's mobile phone logs ignored by detectives

The weapons inspector's final journey could have been tracked, and detectives could have found the geographical position where his telephone was last switched off or ran out of batteries.

"Now" we don't have to CHIP people... we already kNOW where they are... coz of their phones.

Posted: 11:02:00 AM  

Let's BE LOVE to ALL:

Now two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland as epidemic of mass animal deaths continues across the globe

The alarming find is being blamed by authorities in Maryland on the stress caused by unusually cold water and overbreeding among spot fish.

Mystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana.
Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power lines.

Now here it is:

But conspiracy theorists have also speculated on the internet that secret government experiments could be behind them, with some even claiming it was a sign of a looming Armageddon at the end of the Mayan calendar next year.

I will put my Tin Foil Hat on ... right away ... yes sir ...
I am sorry sir, the birds died of hitting a powerline, all 100 in the same second, everywhere around the world.
We must invent glasses for the BIRDS, sir ...

Posted: 10:55:40 AM  

The Panama Deception

Bin Laden is DEAD

The Unknown - by Donald H. Rumsfeld

Posted: 10:47:28 AM  

London on alert amid 'serious' terror threat

MORE police are being deployed at transport hubs in London amid continuing fears of a terrorist attack, according to British media reports.

What are THEY up to...

Posted: 1:31:49 AM  

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