maandag, 30 juli 2007 |
The Monday Inspiration Peak
I accept myself completely.
I accept my strengths and weaknesses, my gifts and my shortcomings, my good points and my faults.
I accept myself completely as a human being.
I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am learning and growing.
I accept the personality I've developed, and I accept my power to heal and change.
I accept myself without condition or reservation.
Author Unknown | InspirationPeak.com
But Greatly Appreciated!
Posted: 9:07:36 PM
The New World Order, is you ...
ABC: Americans Want To Be Surveilled
Poll indicates majority want to give up liberty for security.
The current divisions within society are frightening. We have reached the point where the general public is willing to accept massive invasions of their own privacy in order to deal with people they consider to be a bit of a nuisance from time to time.
This was part of the plan and people are stepping into the well laid trap ... (google on new world order)
Posted: 8:27:16 PM
People, snakes flee deadly South Asia floods
The seasonal monsoon weather has damaged or destroyed thousands of buildings, drowned swathes of crops, closed schools and offices, blocked roads, disrupted flights and knocked out power and telephone lines.
Floods, fires ravage South Africa
Flooding in Cape Town has displaced some 38,000 people, mostly from squatter camps around the South African city, a local official says.
Posted: 8:23:49 PM
Matthew's new book is out now:
You Say She's A Virgin? The Fallacy of Live Earth London
To those that already know me I say 'let's get on with the show'.
It has become obvious to me since my awakening in 1999 that the collection of spiritual energy in certain symbolic locations around the world is on the increase.
The location used for the Live Earth concert in London is no exception.
I point out that the new Wembley Stadium is rife with illuminati eye and arch symbolism.
People also seem to forget that Wembley was on a par with events of 9/11 and was also a place where twin towers were 'pulled'.
Posted: 10:46:56 AM
Quote for Today
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of Selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you successful, you will win some False friend and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, People may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, Someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, They may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, People will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, It is between you and God;
It never was between you and them anyway.
Mother Theresa
Posted: 10:35:59 AM
Daily Motivator
The value of forgiveness
Forgiveness can indeed be difficult. Yet in the long run, it is far easier to forgive than to live with resentment or continuing retribution.
Through forgiveness, you can move away from the pains of the past. With forgiveness, you can achieve real freedom.
There are always opportunities to benefit from the value of forgiveness. You can forgive yourself, you can forgive others, and you can forgive even when you don't know exactly who to forgive.
Because forgiveness is not about who is to blame or who is at fault. Forgiveness is mostly about letting go, completely and permanently, within yourself.
Forgiveness is recognizing the reality that what has happened has happened, and that there's no point in allowing it to dominate your life. Forgiveness refreshingly clears the slate and enables you to move positively forward.
Carrying around a load of resentment can be an enormous and unnecessary burden. Forgive early and often, and you'll considerably lighten your load.
Ralph Marston | GreatDay.com
The 'Hawaii-way' to forgive: HO'OPONOPONO
Posted: 10:34:10 AM
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