Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 24 juli 2007
A Method to BREAK someone:

Cousin tells Haneef family knows he is innocent

Tears also welled up in Haneef's eyes when he saw pictures of his baby daughter for the first time yesterday, almost a month after she was born in India. With "the look of the doting dad", he pointed out his daughter's features that were like his own, and others that were like his wife, Firdous.

Posted: 11:56:32 PM  

Darkworkers, Lightworkers, and Levels of Consciousness | Good Read, On Articles

Posted: 6:19:28 PM  

No coincidences:

Doctor botched baby's diagnosis

Had Kousseff properly diagnosed first child, Aiden Estrada, his parents would have known there was a 25 percent chance their second child would have the disorder.
A simple test could have found the disorder before Caleb Estrada was born, in which case the Estradas would have terminated the second pregnancy, the couple said in their lawsuit.

No coincidences.

Posted: 6:04:49 PM  

InspirationPeak for Today

Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero."

Brian Andreas |
American Artist and Storyteller

Posted: 10:49:53 AM  

Floods strike Britain; Thames rising

Torrential rains have plagued Britain over the past month [base ']Äî nearly 5 inches fell in some areas on Friday alone [base ']Äî and more downpours were predicted this week.

Play video

Posted: 10:16:42 AM  

HIV medics released to Bulgaria

The five nurses and a Palestinian-born doctor were convicted of deliberately infecting Libyan children with HIV - charges they have always denied.

Posted: 10:11:47 AM  

Mars, NASA Cover-up | Video, Part 3

George Noory interviewing Richard C. Hoagland and Keith Morgan on Coast to Coast Radio.

Posted: 12:08:49 AM  

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