Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 3 juli 2007
I got this 'search word' (google): deep sea. To be continued, I don't know why this is popping up, we will know in time ;-)

Deep See | Imax Trailer

I clicked on CREATURES - Humboldt Squid, I've posted about this earlier ...(Click here and here)

Posted: 11:47:40 PM  

Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole - and all its gas, oil, and diamonds

His scientists claim an underwater ridge near the North Pole is really part of Russia's continental shelf.

Yeah, and the Moon is Flagged with USA ... so what's next?

ME, ME ... ME ...

Glad WE are becoming I AM and WE AM ;-)

Posted: 11:35:01 PM  

A Glitch in the Matrix, or a Hungry Exploit?

Either these regions are experiencing the first stages of a global event, or they contain networks that are under a sustained attack for some specific reason.

So, what can be causing this problem? There appears to be nothing that is being reported by any of the usual agencies or news feeds, with SANS indicating a GREEN Threat level, and Symantec, McAfee, and the other major security software providers not indicating any new malicious software emergence.

Posted: 11:31:53 PM  

'Genius' no terrorist, say friends and family

Need nothing more to add, please wake up and see what game is played out ...

Doctor 'was in hurry to get home'

Sending Love to ALL involved ...

Posted: 11:24:34 PM  

Stargates: Tom Horn | George Noorey

Part 1

Part 2 and more

Posted: 5:54:47 PM  

ó Rise To The Equation ó DVD Release: Crossing the Event Horizon

Posted: 4:11:35 PM  


Dr Quantum - Flatland (What The (bleep) Do We Know)

Posted: 2:18:38 PM  

Movie for Today

Magic by ACHARA


Posted: 2:07:06 PM  

The Visionary Art of Willow Arleana

The three women in this painting represent various levels of consciousness.

The black woman embodies the more earth based energies and the lower chakras. She is in connection with her sensual energy and passion, drawing energy up from the earth to the fire in her belly.

The Native American woman represents the middle chakras. She is in her power and in her heart.

The upper chakras are illustrated in the third woman.
She is connected to higher consciousness and Divine compassion.

All three of these female archetypes reside within our psyche and operate as a unified whole.

Posted: 11:30:49 AM  

Daily Motivator

Destined to achieve Make the choice to succeed. And then act as if you have no other choice.

Challenge yourself with an ambitious goal. And then find a way to rise to that challenge.

Your life will move forward when you choose to make it happen. The way to find fulfillment is to be an active and persistent participant in it.

Achievement does not come to those who sit and wait for a sure thing. Achievement is attained by taking a dream and then making it into a sure thing.

When you're on the line, and everything is riding on it, you have no choice but to perform. Find creative, meaningful ways to put yourself on the line.

You are destined to achieve great things. Choose to fully live that destiny.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 11:25:35 AM  

Cause-Effect vs. Intention-Manifestation

One of the key models for goal achievement is that of cause and effect. This model says that your goal is an effect to be achieved, and your task is to identify and then create the cause that will produce the desired effect, thereby achieving your goal.

Sounds simple enough, right?

However, the main problem with this model is that nearly everyone seriously misunderstands it. And that misunderstanding comes from not knowing what a 'cause' really is.

Posted: 11:24:15 AM  

Putting up the heat on 'other-than-white-skin-coloured-people':

Australian doc among 3 latest arrests

At least three physicians were identified Monday among suspects arrested in Britain's failed car bomb attacks, and authorities announced three new arrests ó including a doctor in Australia ó as the investigation spread overseas.

Send Love on their Paths, BOTH sides ...

Posted: 8:06:09 AM  

The Inspiration Peak for Today

You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you.

You have to go to them sometimes.

Winnie The Pooh |

Posted: 7:58:40 AM  


'I was observing a strange interaction between a pair of bottlenose dolphins and a humpback whale, when it became apparent that the two species were collaborating in some way. The dolphin was lying on a humpback whaleís head while it was slowly swimming along. Looking through my camera lens the stunt appeared to be orchestrated by mutual 'agreement.' The whale very slowlyóand verticallyólifted the dolphin into the air. I expected the dolphin to wriggle atop the humpbackís head to get off, but it just laid still and arched, trying to stay on top of the whaleís snout. In this frame the dolphin was beginning its slippery return to the sea. Once back in the ocean, the dolphin swiftly swam away with the other dolphin, leaping joyfully as if they had just scored a coup!'

Posted: 7:51:19 AM  

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