Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 2 juli 2007
F I R E T H E G R I D . O R G

Shelley Yates - Fire the Grid - Part 1

J U L Y 1 7 - 2 0 0 7

Part 2 and more

Posted: 7:40:03 PM  

Get ready for close encounters of the Venus and Saturn kind

You should see both planets in the field of view at the same time.

Start watching as soon as the sun sets.

Saturn has been slowly catching up with Venus during the past couple of months.

Tonight, less than a half-degree separates the two planets.

This is only a visual pairing of the two.

Posted: 4:37:01 PM  

Becoming a Multi Dimensional Being | Part 1

Everyone keeps wondering how the ascension is going to occur and by what means those who ascend will do so. Some believe it will be through death, others by way of spaceships and still others through alternate realities. For many, the crossing is already beginning. Contrary to what many might think or believe, you are currently preparing for the transcension right in your own backyard!

I am not talking about dream states or even meditation states; Iím talking about those moments, which are increasing beyond you control, where you have lapses in memory and return to your consciousness wondering what you were just on your way to do when the thought suddenly slipped your mind!

Posted: 12:31:28 PM  

Affirmation for Today






Posted: 12:19:30 PM  

AH, we need TWO cams on every corner! Big Brother's new glasses:

Lieberman calls for wider use of surveillance cameras

I think itís just common sense to do that here much more widely, he added. And of course, we can do it without compromising anybodyís real privacy.

Put a bomb in a car, or otherwise, then people believe they need more police, camera¥s and other big brother stuff ... Yes, that is common sense ...

If this doesn¥t help enough, then they put some more pressure on it.


Posted: 8:58:52 AM  

Its so secret, that it pops-up in the MEDIA:

Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror 'Spectacular' Planned

"This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001," the official told

Warnings to be alert or just spreading more FUD?
I have a Deja Vu when I read this ...


Posted: 8:53:33 AM  

Putting more fear and anger into your energy system (divide the nations) :

More London bombings on way, warns Muslim

"A war is being waged against Muslims on every level. There are many in Britain who take their ideology from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida and are ready to carry out many more attacks," Choudary said.

What to do? Educate yourself about all this and BE (LOVE, PEACE, LIGHT) !

Posted: 8:50:47 AM  

Hungary's unresolved 'Oilgate'

On Saturday 23 June, Iren Karman, a 40-year-old investigative journalist was discovered on the shore of the river Danube. She had been tied up and half beaten to death.
Based mainly on individual testimonies from witnesses, ex-police, convicts and businessmen, Iren Karman has dedicated years to uncovering the story of what came to be known as "oilgate".

Posted: 8:42:35 AM  

Raising an eyebrow here:

IVF hope for child cancer cases

Israeli scientists say that they have extracted and matured eggs from girls as young as five to freeze for possible fertility treatment in the future.

"But we are encouraged by our results so far, particularly the young ages of the patients from whom we have been able to collect eggs."

Posted: 8:30:58 AM  

101 Different Ways of Saying 'I LOVE YOU' ...

Ne Mohotatse

- Cheyenne -

Posted: 8:24:27 AM  

Dreams are like stars ... you may never touch them,

but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Author Unknown

Posted: 8:08:50 AM  

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