Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 12 juli 2007
The Invitation | a Poem

Posted: 11:49:42 PM  

The king of the jungle doesn't frighten the lion whisperer

Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson has such an intimate bond with big cats that he can spend the night curled up with them without the slightest fear of attack.

Richardson, 32, who is based in a wildlife conservation area near Johannesburg in South Africa, works his unusual magic on other species too. Cheetahs, leopards and even unpredictable hyenas hold no threats for him.

Posted: 11:37:42 PM  


Posted: 11:25:47 PM  

New Hampshire Standoff Over Tax Evasion - The Browns | Video

From behind the 8-inch concrete walls of their 110-acre hilltop compound, the couple taunt police and SWAT teams and play to reporters and government-haters with references to past standoffs that turned deadly. Residents want the Browns' circus to end before their small Connecticut River town becomes the next Ruby Ridge or Waco.

The Browns raised the specter of the first case, the 1992 shootout at an Idaho property called Ruby Ridge, by holding a news conference Monday with Randy Weaver, whose wife and child were killed there along with a deputy U.S. marshal.

Posted: 11:23:26 PM  

Movie for Today

Posted: 11:15:33 PM  

Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Vaccination Link

Recently there has been quite an "epidemic" of the so-called "shaken baby syndrome". Parents, usually the fathers, or other care-givers such as nannies have increasingly been accused of shaking a baby to the point of causing permanent brain damage and death. Why? Is there an unprecedented increase in the number of people who commit infanticide or have an ambition to seriously hurt babies? Or is there something more sinister at play?

Posted: 9:33:15 PM  


July 11 , 2007 | Karen Bishops Latest is ONLINE ...

This completion phase can manifest as a strong desire to simply do nothing for awhile, or perhaps take a very needed vacation and just hang out with no responsibilities. If you have been feeling as though you were wading through quicksand trying to get anything accomplished, really dragging, not wanting to have to do anything, feeling a great resistance to your old duties and ways, or even feeling exhausted or crabby, you are most likely experiencing this latest energetic space we are currently in.

Posted: 8:49:53 PM  

Another 911

The Ultimate Con

This is the much awaited and anticipated complete 911 Documentary.
This has no narration or conjecture, only news footage and interviews to tell the story.

Posted: 2:14:26 PM  

Posted: 8:04:10 AM  

Daily Motivator

The important things When you only take care of the urgent matters, many new urgent matters will appear to take their place. When you take care of the important matters, then you're making real progress.

Many of life's most important concerns do not jump up and demand your attention, at least not right now. It can be easy to ignore them in favor of more urgent matters.

Yet most of the urgent concerns turn out, in the long run, to be fairly trivial. If you focus only on what demands your immediate attention, there will surely come a time when you regret it.

The quality of your life depends upon where you put your priorities. The most important and meaningful aspects of your life deserve your consideration and support on a daily basis.

The more attention you give to the important things, the less you'll feel the need to be controlled by the urgent, but relatively meaningless, matters. The more you focus on what's truly important, the more firmly you'll be in control of your life.

When investing your precious time and energy in something, take into consideration how important it really is. Find time to work on the important things, and the rewards will still be with you long after the work is done.

Ralph Marston | GreatDay.Com

Posted: 8:02:52 AM  

Current Auroral Oval:

Posted: 8:02:02 AM  

Aurora from a 777 over Lake Superior

Posted: 7:59:02 AM  

A country called Europe

Many in Britain who are hostile to the European Union dislike it precisely because they are worried about the federalist dream, the attempt to create a United States of Europe. Some still want this. Last year, the outgoing Belgian Prime Minister published a book called The United States of Europe.

Posted: 7:54:22 AM  

Water vapour found on exoplanet

The detection in the extrasolar planet HD 189733b was made using Nasa's powerful Spitzer Space Telescope and is reported in the journal Nature.

Posted: 7:52:52 AM  

INcoming Email:

Hi Dear Hearts,

I debated about sending this E-mail because many people are not receiving the conflicting E-mails about the Fire the Grid event, and I did not want to confuse people. But I have received hundreds of E-mails from people asking about the conflict, so I thought I would send this E-mail to everyone on our E-mail list and let people share this information with whomever they choose.

This is the response I have sent to the people who have asked for my input:

It is wonderful to connect with you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the information you received about the Cosmic Opportunity that is being presented to Humanity on July 17, 2007, by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth.

Won't it be wonderful when we can all communicate through open heart and mind telepathy? That way the Truth of our conversations will resonate within the Divinity of our Heart Flames, and we will know that we know that we know. Then we will not be limited by language, semantics or our fear-based beliefs.

Tragically, whenever there is a monumental opportunity for the Light of God to increase on Earth the forces of imbalance redouble their efforts to block the Light. The good news is that Light is infinitely more powerful than any fear-based, fragmented efforts or misinformation those wayward souls may try to conjure up.

I know that in most instances the people who are disseminating this misinformation truly believe what they are saying, and they think they are helping by sending out an alarm. So far, I have received about six different, urgent, alarmist warnings about this event:

One person thinks this activity of Light will remove our free will, fry the grid, blow Humanity's circuits and diminish the power of the Christ Grid.

Another person says ANY attempt to heal the Earth is associated with evil forces. They claim that the demise of the Earth is God's Divine Plan, and the only way people will ascend into Light and harmony is for the Earth to be destroyed.

Another person says the grid is actually a web that has been placed around the Earth by evil ET's, and the intent of the July 17th activity is to imprison all Humanity.

And on and on and on...

I would like to interject a little reason into this matter. Our Free Will is a gift from our Father-Mother God that was given to each of us the moment we were first breathed forth from the Core of Creation. No one has the ability or power to take that away from us except our God Parents.

At the time of our inception, we were also invested with the creative faculties of thought and feeling. The Divine Intent of our Earthly sojourn is to learn to become cocreators with our Father-Mother God, thus manifesting the perfection of Heaven on Earth.

Humanity is now in the process of reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace aeons ago. We are healing our self-inflected separation from God and each other. To help us with this process, we are receiving more assistance from the Company of Heaven than ever before in the history of time.

The common-sense Truth about the wondrous opportunity that is being presented to Humanity on July 17, 2007, is that we are not the victims of circumstance, we are the creators of circumstance. No matter what agenda the forces of imbalance may be trying to interject into this activity of Light, they will fail. The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light.

It is the DIVINE INTENTION with which people participate in this hour-long meditation on July 17, 2007, at 11:11 a.m. GMT that will determine the result of this collective activity of Light. We are being asked to infuse this blessed planet and all her Life with the full momentum of our Love and Light. We are also being asked to bless Beloved Mother Earth with the sacred gifts and talents of our I AM Presence, our true God Selves.

There are millions of Love-centered people committed to participating in this glorious event. Every one of them has the Divine Intent of being the most powerful force of Light and Love they are capable of being during that Cosmic Moment. NOTHING will prevent the Immaculate Concept of this facet of God's Divine Plan from being fulfilled.

Just for a moment, feel the elation and the gratitude our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are projecting through your Heart Flame in appreciation for your willingness to be an Instrument of God at this critical time on Planet Earth.

Then affirm with deep feeling...

I AM the Victory of the Light in all situations!
I AM the Victory of the Light in all situations!
I AM the Victory of the Light in all situations!
And so it is.
Beloved I AM.

Keep shining your magnificent Light!

God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles | EraOfPeace.Org

Posted: 1:47:49 AM  

Giant 'corpse-eating' badgers terrorise Iraqi city

The Iraqi port city of Basra, already prey to a nasty turf war between rival militia factions, has now been gripped by a scary rumour ñ giant badgers are stalking the streets by night, eating humans.

The animals were allegedly released into the area by British forces.

Local farmers have caught and killed several of the beasts, but this has done nothing to dispel the rumour.

Allegedly released by Troops, and if so, for what reason?
What Humans are these beasts eating?
Anyone who has more info on this, please send it to me ...

WIKI on the Ratel (honey badger) or Mellivora Capensis

Posted: 1:13:35 AM  

Follow up on the 'sea-monsters' ...

Giant squid washed up on beach | Video (0.33) Reuters

Posted: 1:02:08 AM  

Old Testament figure named on 2600-year-old tablet

The British Museum yesterday hailed a discovery within a clay tablet in its collection
as a breakthrough for biblical archeology -
proof of the accuracy of the Old Testament.

Posted: 12:57:25 AM  

Well Okay, if bringing knowlegde about 'The Cost Of War' (money) is the way to show people PEACE is IMMINENT, instead of all the LIVES involved in this matter, then so it shall be ...

"Real" Cost of Iraq War.

Thnx VendettaVV

Posted: 12:44:33 AM  

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