Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 28 juli 2007
Continuing NOT do to what the people have asked:

Congress approves September 11 legislation

"With this bill, we will be keeping our promises to the families of 9/11, we'll be honoring the work of the 9/11 commission and we will be making the American people safer," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat.

Yeah, we will save you from greater harm in the future ...


Posted: 10:05:08 AM  

Quote for Today

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.

Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.

Walk beside me and just be my friend.

Albert Camus (1913-1960)
Algerian-French Novelist

Posted: 9:50:56 AM  

gPod or iVibe?

Vibrator hits high note with Japanese women

The 'gPod', a phallic-shaped vibrator, is designed to respond automatically to sounds picked up by an accompanying handset, which can plug into anything from a telephone to a music player to a television.

Posted: 9:42:29 AM  

Daily Motivator

What's around you

Certainly it is possible to succeed in spite of being in negative surroundings. It makes much more sense, however, to arrange your environment so that it works with you rather than against you.

Whatever is right in front of your eyes has an influence on the thoughts that are foremost in your mind. Make your surroundings more positive, and they will help you to be more positive.

Make the effort to spend time in places and situations that inspire and empower you. Get yourself often around people who lift your spirits.

A beautiful setting encourages beautiful thoughts. And beautiful thoughts lead you in a positive direction.

Choose surroundings that continually remind you of life's goodness. Put yourself in places that keep you focused on your best possibilities.

Your environment has a subtle, yet constant and therefore powerful influence on many aspects of your life. It pays to make that influence as positive and empowering as possible.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 9:35:42 AM  

Tranceformers - John Jay Harper - 2012

Part 1

Part 2 and more

Posted: 12:58:51 AM  

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