Tijdens de Peru-Bolivia-reis november 2010, georganiseerd door Karel & Caroline van Huffelen, heeft het reisgezelschap op 1 december 2010 een busongeluk gehad. De bus waarin 33 mensen zaten is in botsing gekomen met een vrachtwagen. Er zijn, voor zover op dit moment bekend, vijf doden. Karel van Huffelen was ÈÈn van hen, meer namen zijn officieel nog niet bekend.
Police say the accident occurred on a highway in the Chacachaca area near the border with Bolivia. The bus was carrying tourists from the Bolivian town of Desaguadero to the city of Puno in Peru.
The U.S. government, apparently aided by freelance computer hackers, chased WikiLeaks from an American commercial computer network and temporarily stopped the leak of embarrassing diplomatic documents. But within hours, the website was back online, publishing from a fortified bunker in Sweden.
Nasa scientists are set to announce that bacteria have been discovered that can survive in arsenic, an element previously thought too toxic to support life, it can be revealed.
Take a hastily arranged NASA press conference, add a vague allusion to an 'astrobiology discovery,' and you've got a recipe for mass web-fueled speculation that E.T. is finally coming home.
'Some experts believe that somebody is deceiving Wikileaks, that its reputation is being undermined in order for it to be used for political purposes. Such an opinion is being expressed here,' he said in the interview that was pre-recorded from his office in the Russian capital.