Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 7 december 2010
Doctors produce first-ever MRI scan of baby at the moment of birth

Gynaecologist Ernst Beinder at Berlin's CharitÈ Hospital said the birth proceeded normally and the machine filmed all the movements and processes that went on inside the womb.

While most MRI machines are tube-shaped, the CharitÈ team developed a special 'open' scanner which provided the necessary room for midwives and the mother during the birth.

Posted: 11:58:26 PM  


Imagine stepping out your front door and being swallowed up by the vast dark shadow of an entire planet. Actually, you've done it many times. The darkness you experience after sunset is the shadow of Earth itself. (Think about it.) If you happen to be outside right at sunset, you can sometimes catch Earth's shadow rising to extinquish the twilight. That's exactly what happened to Andrew Greenwood yesterday in England's Peak District National Park:

"I was climbing towards a hill known as Shining Tor when I broke through the fog into the most magical sunlit landscape," says Greenwood.

"With the clouds below me, the air was crisp and ultra-transparent. It was at this point that I noticed Earth's shadow climbing into the ice-blue sky in the East.

This spectacular vision is sometimes called the 'Belt of Venus.'

Its contrast against the snow-covered hills was breath-taking; I could not have wished for a more memorable end to what was in fact my 38th birthday!"

Posted: 11:51:13 PM  

Robot waiters ready to serve

A robot delivers beer and beverages at a self-service hotpot restaurant in Jinan City, capital of eastern China's Shandong Province, yesterday.
Moving along a white line on the ground that covers all the 21 tables in the restaurant, altogether six robots will stop at each table upon receiving a special signal from a card at the table.
There's also a motion sensor on the robot so that it can stop when an obstacle, such as a person, comes in front.
According to the restaurant's developer, they will increase the number of robot waiters to 40 with various functions, including cleaning the floor, collecting used dishes and plates and even being able to go upstairs.

Posted: 11:48:53 PM  

'UN camp source of cholera in Haiti'

"The starting point has been very precisely localized," noted the unnamed source, adding that "There is no other possible explanation given that there was no cholera in the country, and taking into account the intensity and the speed of the spread and the concentration of bacteria in the Artibonite delta."

Posted: 11:38:02 PM  

The power of the internet

Search "power internet" yourself ... and THINK!
HOW powerFULL are you?

Posted: 11:17:13 PM  

Assange to PM: don't shoot the messenger to save your skin

* Government "does not want truth revealed"
* "WikiLeaks should be protected, not attacked"

Let's bring-in the "churches" on 'alleged' rape/assaults, deny them paypal, visa, hunt them like witches, deny them bail ....

The WORLD up-side-down ... planes just don't fall out of the sky.
When "THEY" want to get ridd of a pest ... they will ...
CLICK HERE as well ...

Posted: 11:00:50 PM  

How two one-night stands sparked a worldwide hunt for Julian Assange

Swedes are calling the whole squalid affair a honeytrap, a plot to bring down the Wikileaks supremo.

Much more than just the Swedes ...


My 'feeling' as well:

'The United States Is Behind This Deliberate Leak'

Iran has its own special take on the diplomatic cables recently published by WikiLeaks.
Presidential Advisor Esfandiar Rahim Mashai assumes that the United States government leaked the documents itself. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, he says that Washington's goal is to play off the governments in the Middle East against one other.

H E R E is WHY: The TRUTH of the "911 event" comes to the knowledge of so many people on the planet; it creates a wave of energy and anarchy.

AND another WHY: What is leaked?

Wikileaks: US-Nato plan to defend Baltics from Russia

Another CLUE:

The cables say the military plans should not be discussed publicly as it might lead to an unnecessary increase in Nato-Russia tensions.

They're not only leaking themselves, but they're 'saying' it as well (stupidity) ...

Posted: 7:32:53 AM  

Thought for Today

Where has the (swine- whatever H1N1-) FLU gone ...

Posted: 7:29:06 AM  

The FALL - in winter:

Euro at risk of collapse, says Treasury watchdog as economic crisis sweeps Continent

The euro fell sharply against the dollar yesterday, its first decline in four sessions. It dropped to $1.3261 having traded above $1.34 last week.

Search word: D O L L A R

Posted: 7:25:54 AM  

Message From Water


E c t o p l a s m a

The Blue Beam Project

Posted: 7:15:41 AM  

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