woensdag, 1 december 2010 |
Dollar fall failed, so now EURO fall?
Europe's New Debt Mechanism Has Come too Late for Euro Crisis
There is no euro-crisis ...
Since the start of the euro crisis, Europe's leaders have perfected two techniques: scrambling to catch up with events, and playing them down. Again and again, they have been forced to assemble bailout packages to prevent the euro zone from breaking apart.
And after each new one, they insist that the measures are purely psychological and will probably never be needed.
Posted: 11:08:43 AM
Explosive Leaks Provide Image of War from Those Fighting It - Der Spiegel
Britain's Guardian newspaper, the New York Times and SPIEGEL have all vetted the material and compared the data with independent reports. All three media sources have concluded that the documents are authentic and provide an unvarnished image of the war in Afghanistan -- from the perspective of the soldiers who are fighting it.
Posted: 11:01:35 AM
Wikileaks: Decoding the cables
The diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks are littered with acronyms and abbreviations used by US officials using the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network communication system.
In this 2008 cable from the US Embassy in Riyadh, we have highlighted some of the key points to look out for when looking at the Wikileaks documents.
Posted: 10:59:44 AM
Article in DUTCH ... find the translation button please ...
Dutch PVV says Global Warming isn't warming up ...
Het wil niet vlotten met de opwarming van de aarde.''
Dat zei PVV-Kamerlid Richard de Mos dinsdag tijdens een debat over infrastructuur en milieu. De Mos staat bekend als een klimaatscepticus, ofwel iemand die openlijk twijfels zet bij opvattingen dat de aarde opwarmt als gevolg van menselijk handelen.
Wennen aan bar winterweer
Gevoelstemperaturen onder de -10 graden door een straffe wind en nog meer sneeuw. De winter is er dit jaar vroeg bij. Het weer vraagt om bijzondere maatregelen.
Good search word: GLOBAL WARMING SCAM ...
Try T H I S as example
Posted: 7:41:33 AM
Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; “To destroy this invisible government”
Authoritarian regimes give rise to forces which oppose them by pushing against the individual and collective will to freedom, truth and self realization. Plans which assist authoritarian rule, once discovered, induce resistance. Hence these plans are concealed by successful authoritarian powers. This is enough to define their behavior as conspiratorial.
The problem this creates for the government conspiracy then becomes the organizational problem it must solve: if the conspiracy must operate in secrecy, how is it to communicate, plan, make decisions, discipline itself, and transform itself to meet new challenges?
The answer is: by controlling information flows.
Posted: 7:35:01 AM
Big Brother is flying this season ...
All US-bound airlines to get info for watch lists
The program, called Secure Flight, has been delayed for years because of privacy concerns and went through three versions before it was approved.
It's designed to give U.S. authorities more time to identify and remove suspected terrorists from flights and reduce instances when passengers are mistaken for people on terror watch lists.
Good search-word: Big Brother ...
Posted: 7:27:24 AM
House clears Indian, black farmer settlements
Elouise Cobell, a member of the Blackfeet Tribe from Browning, Mont., and lead plaintiff in the Indian case, called it a "historic day in Indian country as well as in America's history."
"A monumental step has been taken to remove a stain on our national honor and create a better future for Indians as our government begins to make some amends for grave past injustices," she said.
Posted: 7:23:26 AM
2 million lose jobless benefits as holidays arrive
Extended unemployment benefits for nearly 2 million Americans begin to run out Wednesday, cutting off a steady stream of income and guaranteeing a dismal holiday season for people already struggling with bills they cannot pay.
Posted: 7:20:51 AM
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