Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 16 november 2010
'I should tell you, watch Prince William... It's coming soon.' - at Etemenanki

Nov 16 Prince William engaged to Kate Middleton

For more details on the multicontextual significance of this, see my article 'The Moonwalker Prophecy' (published 7/4/2009).

NOTE: time of posting ...

Posted: 11:18:07 PM  

'More ghosts' after earthquake

"People are calling us, saying that they had always felt like there was something in the house, but since the earthquake it had become more intense," he said.

Posted: 9:39:44 AM  

NASA: Exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood

Huge Triangle Shaped UFO Over California

California is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a higher than average number of UFO sightings recently. California had 40 UFO sighting reports in October 2010.

Posted: 9:31:22 AM  


The plume is a sign that Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt (SEB) is about to return.

The great brown belt disappeared earlier this year, leaving Jupiter without one of its signature stripes. No one knows where the SEB went, although some researchers have speculated that it sank beneath high altitude clouds and might now be bobbing back to the top.

Posted: 9:24:52 AM  

MUST SEE - pls RT - about December 7 - 2010

CLICK HERE TOO - European Bank Run on 7th December 2010

Posted: 9:21:37 AM  

Hi-tech eye scanners that track passengers as they walk through airport

Passengers will have their eyes scanned as soon as they check in as part of a new trial a major UK airport.

Posted: 9:12:34 AM  

Discovery: Twelve sphinxes dating back to the fourth century have been found in Luxor

Ancient: The statues are from the reign of Pharaoh Nectanebo I and are in a road off 'Sphinx Alley' which could not be dug up before because of flats above it

Posted: 9:11:21 AM  

The collapse:

EU 'puts final nail in coffin' of our gold-plated pensions

European Commission proposals would force employers to pay in huge extra sums to reduce the risk of pension funds collapsing.

Posted: 9:08:10 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Posted: 9:05:30 AM  

Could also be a whole different story than you get here:

Multi-million pound payouts to silence British terror suspects held in Guantanamo

In return for the cash, the detainees will drop the civil cases for damages that had threatened to lift the lid on the activities of the intelligence agencies after 9/11.

Posted: 9:03:45 AM  

For Paul (again):

RAndom Post for Today

November 18 - 2 0 0 6 - on Latest kNEWs

November 27 - 2 0 0 6 - on Latest kNEWs

November 27 - 2 0 0 8 - on Latest kNEWs

November 27 - 2 0 0 9 - on Latest kNEWs

Posted: 8:58:42 AM  

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