Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 4 november 2010

Passenger plane bound for Singapore crashes on Indonesian island

* November 04, 2010 2:27PM

A PASSENGER plane believed to be bound for Singapore crashed on an Indonesian island.

Debris from a plane was found on Batam Island, according to media reports citing a police chief in western Indonesia, Japan's Kyodo news agency said.

The Jakarta Globe quoted Batavia Air's Riau office as saying the plane did not belong to them, but they thought it may have been a Qantas plane.

more to come ... (article ends here)

Pictured moments after 'explosion' forced emergency landing, the Qantas superjumbo with a foot-long hole torn in its wing

Passengers on the Qantas Airbus A380 flight from London to Sydney via Singapore described 'a blast' before seeing smoke and door-size debris shooting past the windows 15 minutes after takeoff.

Parcel plot not linked to international terror, Greece says

France arrests 'terror suspects'

Posted: 10:55:43 PM  

Movie for Today

Posted: 7:47:44 AM  

ROBOT HRP-4C Dance Part 1 of 2

Posted: 7:25:52 AM  

Did you READ T H I S ?

There IS something we can do about it. Even if lately the 3d dense energies are pulling us "in" and the multi-D energies are pulling us "out" ...

Posted: 7:07:19 AM  

NOther FairyTAIL ...

Do you still believe the myths about probiotic/prebiotic bacteria that improve your immune system and the digestive tract?

There is nothing surprising about the fact. Actimel, like many other products by Danon, contains E1442 - genetically modified cornstarch, a thickening agent. Genetically modified types of starch have huge molecules. The chemists, who produce such substances say that it is impossible to predict how these molecular monsters will behave in the human body.

Posted: 7:01:46 AM  

Hologram breakthrough means images can be sent in real-time

The breakthrough could revolutionise television, movies and computer games - and see the introduction of 3D advertising billboards on street corners.

Posted: 6:51:08 AM  

Wake up from your FAIRyTale...

Unfair trade: Ethical food "is not lifting Third World farmers out of poverty"

Less than 25 per cent of the price premium paid by shoppers for Fairtrade's 'ethical food', such as coffee and chocolate, reaches the farmer, the controversial think-tank report suggests.

Posted: 6:46:56 AM  

Privacy campaigners furious after watchdog says Google Street View cars DID break the law... but firm goes unpunished

Google is to escape punishment for spying on millions of British homes, stealing private emails and passwords, via its controversial Street View mapping system.

Rather he has ordered Google to delete all of the stolen personal information, re-train staff and agree to an audit at a future date to ensure the same thing cannot happen again.

Posted: 6:41:49 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Posted: 6:39:22 AM  

Terror attacks ... they're catching a lot of ppl now(ad)ays ...

Ink bomb fanatics in UK and still plotting

Theresa May said the police and security services were engaged in an ongoing struggle against the Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is now working in the UK.

And she spoke too of a second new threat to the country from young radicalised Britons being trained in Somalia to carry out atrocities when they return to Britain.

George: Theresa may be lying ...

Posted: 6:37:23 AM  

RAndom Post for Today

September 29 - 2 0 0 8 - on Latest kNEWs

September 29 - 2 0 0 9 - on Latest kNEWs

September 29 - 2 0 1 0 - on Latest kNEWs

It wasn't me ...

Posted: 6:32:52 AM  

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