Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 5 november 2010
PLANES don't just fall out of the sky ...

No survivors in Cuba airliner crash with 68 aboard

A list of passengers indicates the dead include nine Argentines, seven Mexicans, three Dutch citizens, two Germans, two Austrians, a French citizen, an Italian, a Spaniard, a Venezuelan and a Japanese.

Planes just don't ... - George ...(scroll to bottom)

Posted: 7:21:37 AM  

SINKHOLE in Brazil ? - video

Posted: 6:47:22 AM  

Movie for Today

Posted: 6:39:24 AM  

Fear Darkens Czech Uranium Mining Town

Around Straz, many of the thousands of pumps that injected acid into the ground — more than four million tons between the late 1960s and mid-1990s — are still scattered across the landscape. One former miner, Vladimir Pospisil, 62, said so much acid was used that he recalled it dripping from the ceilings of underground mine shafts and dissolving iron chains.

Posted: 6:35:50 AM  

What's in the Movies:

Megamind "MEGA Rap" TV Spot

Posted: 6:29:52 AM  

Photo for Today


Posted: 6:25:25 AM  

What drama how this is written and wake up!

NASA is Building a 'Solar Shield' to Protect Power Grids from Space Weather

They're out there, biding their time. Waiting patiently.
And when you least expect it, they're going to plunge you and everyone you care about into total darkness.
Luckily, we can see solar storms coming from about 93 million miles away, and NASA is now in the process of creating a "Solar Shield" that should be able to minimize the damage to power grids caused by electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere and ground caused by foul weather on the sun.

Posted: 6:21:53 AM  


Minnesota Mom Hit With $1.5 Million Fine for Downloading 24 Songs

The jury in her third trial has just ruled that Thomas-Rasset should pay Capitol Records $1.5 million, CNET reports, which breaks down to $62,500 per song.
It's a heavy penalty considering the 24 tunes would only cost approximately $24 on iTunes, which was Thomas-Rasset' argument, too.

Posted: 6:05:04 AM  

Dozens die in new Mount Merapi eruption in Indonesia

The latest eruption began late on Thursday, sending residents streaming down the mountain with ash-covered faces.

Posted: 6:02:19 AM  

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