Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 12 november 2010
Movie for Today

Posted: 8:07:17 PM  

Suicides soar among US war veterans

In January, Shinseki pointed out that 20 percent of some 30,000 suicides in the US each year are committed by veterans, which means that an average of 18 veterans commit suicide each day.

Posted: 9:27:35 AM  

Haitian anger over cholera response

Cath Turner, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Port-au-Prince, said several hundred people joined the demonstration in Cite Soleil, where many cholera deaths have occurred.

"They live near a rubbish dump which is normally a site for household and industrial waste, but for the last year human waste has been added to that," our correspondent said.

Posted: 9:24:03 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Mac on... Workshy losing their benefits

Posted: 9:18:25 AM  


Active sunspot 1123 erupted during the early hours of Nov. 12th, producing a C4-class solar flare and apparently hurling a filament of material in the general direction of Earth.

Posted: 9:07:02 AM  

Move Bush's book where it belongs

On Tuesday, November 9 -(911) - George Bush's memoir Decision Points comes out in bookstores around the country.

Taking a cue from a movement in Britain that called for people to subversively move Tony Blair’s recently published memoir, A Journey, to the Crime section of bookstores, Waging Nonviolence is asking that in honor of the release of the Bush memoir, people reshelve Decision Points to the part of the bookstore where it really belongs: Crime.

Posted: 9:05:56 AM  

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