Marina's Masters - Latest News

dinsdag 31 maart 2009
Hepatitis B vaccination urged for babies

Read what it says:

The vaccination against hepatitis B has been included in the national vaccination programme since 2003, which means it is already given to at-risk groups. These include children from carriers, children whose parents come from a country where there is a lot of hepatitis B and homosexual men, the Volkskrant states.

Search in this site VACCINATION, VACCINES, HPV etc. and don't be a ginny pig...

Posted: 8:46:50 PM  

Daily Motivator

Tell yourself

What are you telling yourself that's holding you back? What are you telling yourself that's preventing you from being happy?

What are you telling yourself that gives you permission to be less than your very best? What are you telling yourself that gives you an excuse for not taking action.

Every moment of every day you're interpreting the world for yourself, telling yourself what it means and what to do about it. Each time you tell yourself something, you have an opportunity to make a lasting impact on your life.

So tell yourself Y E S.
Remind yourself why you have chosen to step forward and give yourself permission to do so.

Tell yourself that you can choose a life of joy and fulfillment right now. Tell yourself that you're fully capable of whatever you decide to achieve.

Take the opportunity to tell yourself, again and again, how truly outstanding your life can be. And then thank yourself for the great advice as you enthusiastically bring it to life.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 7:42:17 AM  

U.S. unveils Orion spacecraft to take crew to Mars

NASA plans to use Orion to carry astronauts to the International Space Station by 2015. The capsule will rotate the crew at the station every six months "to work out the kinks" before heading to the moon and Mars, Pearson said.

Trips to the moon are scheduled for 2020, while a journey to Mars is believed possible by the mid-2030s.

Posted: 7:31:51 AM  

Reality and Fantasy: (;-)

Search in T H I S - S I T E and EDUCATE SELF

Find the CALENDAR at each page at the right side to GUIDE you through the pages.

Menu on the left side, find The Force Radio, it's in the iPod.

RSS-Feeds: hit the XML-button

There is so much YOU can DO, Let's START

Posted: 7:29:35 AM  

Big Brother is planning a trip to Europe...

Big Brother is watching: surveillance box to track drivers is backed

The government is backing a project to install a "communication box" in new cars to track the whereabouts of drivers anywhere in Europe, the Guardian can reveal.

Posted: 7:23:00 AM  

April 1 and the Joke(r) is on You:

Defences bolstered ahead of Conficker April Fools' offensive

The US Department of Homeland Security released a tool on Monday to detect whether a computer is infected by the Conficker worm.

-US-CERT recommends that computer users and administrators keep up-to-date on security patches and fixes for their operating system and install up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware software. A firewall will also help block attacks before they can get into your computer.

Get a MAC ...

Posted: 7:15:21 AM  

Movie for NOW

At the end of everything
Light shines through the Voices That Care
Be THAT Light!

With Love from the "other times"


Link to this movie

Posted: 7:07:30 AM  

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