Over 1.1 billion people in the world don't have access to clean drinking water. When I heard of a nanotech water purifier that can be used to purify water from even fecal matter contaminated sources, I couldn't help but test it out the "uncultured" way.
The "Uncultured Project" is just a funny name for the journey I've started. It's not a charity, organization, or anything formal like that. I'm just a guy who liquidated his life savings, bought a camera, and went abroad to try and help the poorest of the poor. For more, info check out:
At the Ixtapalapa police station, Mrs. Clinton was shown two Black Hawk helicopters that the Mexican federal police uses to track drug smugglers. She also watched police squads stage a mock rescue of a hijacked passenger plane.
The current global economic crisis is devaluing currencies so that the people of the world will be forced to accept regional currencies and then a global currency, which is an important part of the PE's plan.
The new car has improved range and battery life over the Roadster. Tesla's first car can travel a maximum of 244 miles on one charge. Powering it up again takes three and a half hours.