Marina's Masters - Latest News

zaterdag 28 maart 2009
Thousands protest ahead of G20

The police are most concerned about the potential for violence during protests on Wednesday, dubbed "Financial Fools Day'' by demonstrators, when an anti-war march will be held and climate change campaigners will set up a camp in the City of London financial district.

Search in this site: DEMONSTRATION, demonstrators and decide what side you're on. Watch the WORD and its soundvibration: DEMONstrators....

Quote for Today - by Mother Teresa

Posted: 11:00:26 PM  

BRAINWASHING: I hit you on the cheek and then I kiss you on the cheek...

Teachers given the cane go-ahead in some Queensland schools

"I would never use the paddle unless we have spoken to both parents and have their blessing for it to be used," Mr Bensley said.

"It is always administered in a loving way. In fact, we pray with them afterwards."

Posted: 10:58:22 PM  

Everybody has it's "own" WARMAN. There are no coïncedences and nothing is just happening to you: we need to grow.
Thanks to all the WARMAN's in our lifes! That is a part of the mirror we use to see ourselfs, our lessons, our blessings.
(Be + Lessons = BLESS ON's)

David Icke and Richard Warman

You can HELP: NOT by digging-up DIRT about "a warman" ...

but by sending PEACEMAN ...

What's in a NAME? We choose our name when we incarnate on this planet; WHY? THINK!
We play a ROLE on the stage. WHY? THINK!
Why are WARMAN's on this planet? THINK!

Posted: 12:00:02 PM  

Giant Internet worm set to change tactics April 1

"I don't think there will be a cataclysmic network event," said Richard Wang, manager of the U.S. research division of security firm Sophos PLC. "It doesn't make sense for the guys behind Conficker to cause a major network problem, because if they're breaking parts of the Internet they can't make any money."

Posted: 11:52:11 AM  

DNA scan 'could cut cost of insurance - even if results kept secret

"The thing about genetic screening is I'm not interested in knowing what your results are," Mr Baldwin said.

Here comes the MANIPULATION:

"I'm interested that you are interested in going for a screen, because only a madman would get information saying you're at risk of a heart attack and do nothing with that information."

Posted: 11:47:12 AM  

V A C C I N E - Ingredients

Vaccine: Attenuvax - measles
Manufacturer: Merck & Co., Inc.
Microbes: measles live virus
Antibiotics: neomycin
Chemicals / Heavy Metals: sorbitol
Animal ByProducts: hydrolized gelatin, chick embryo

Posted: 11:44:00 AM  

Lights go out for Earth Hour

Sydney's famous harbour landmarks and many of its high rise buildings have again been plunged into darkness, with tens of thousands of residents and businesses also turning their lights off for Earth Hour.

Search in this site: Global Warming, Global Dimming, AL Gore, Neil Adams ... and educate self.

Posted: 11:34:35 AM  

Movie for NOW

Move into The ZeroPointField.

Posted: 11:13:44 AM  

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