Marina's Masters - Latest News

dinsdag 17 maart 2009
Movie for Today

Link to this movie

Posted: 11:43:14 AM  

Great Cosmic Happy Ass Card for Today

Posted: 7:40:04 AM  

Message from Mr. Hill arrested for mailing a DVD

John's court case is on this Thursday at the four courts in Dublin.
John is asking anyone who is not working that day (this Thursday the 19th) to come along at 1:30pm, and any who can take a half day.

Posted: 7:28:16 AM  

Amsterdam police defends terror alert

The "serious threat" that Amsterdam's police chief, prosecutor and mayor talked about at a press conference on Thursday evening, had evaporated by Friday morning.

Posted: 7:21:17 AM  


Something special is happening to Venus.

The brightest of all planets is hanging low in the western sky at sunset, and if you look at it with a backyard telescope, you'll see that it is a slender 4% crescent.

But that's not the special part.

What's special is, Venus looks like a rainbow.

Posted: 7:19:24 AM  

April Fools or for real?

Enough of the puff: tax may cut smoking rates

A big hike in the federal tax on cigarettes taking effect on April 1 may prompt 1 million U.S. smokers to quit, according to public health experts.

Posted: 7:12:30 AM  

HIV/AIDS epidemic in US capital - health chiefs

At the end of last year, 3 per cent of all Washington residents over the age of 12 had the HIV virus that causes AIDS or the full-blown disease, a report by the city's department of health said.

MAN MADE ... think!

Posted: 12:32:56 AM  

George: It's ALL over in the news and everybody is giving it energy; EGO energy.
It makes you feel "the better one, without faults" and "I didn't do such horrible things".
I am better then he is and I am judgemental. GET A LIFE!

Josef Fritzl pleads guilty to house of horror rapes

* I was abused too, says Josef Fritzl
* Charges include rape, incest, murder
* Faces at least 15 years in jail

Use another approach: THAT of FORGIVENESS.
Did you hear me say: forgive and forget? NO.
Forgive him, her and YOU.

Posted: 12:28:19 AM  

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