Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 22 februari 2007
Latest update from Masters is on Channelings";
Latest update from Karen Bishop, Click here
I copy and paste here in this message the parts which are very interesting to read:

Karen Bishop's energy alert:

February 16 , 2007


Because the road in front of us is now clear of all resistance and blockages, as so much density has been removed, we are simply preparing for the road ahead. From now until the latter part of March, we will continue to integrate and align with these energies, and they are truly awesome.

If you spend any time on your computer, you may notice that it is behaving rather strangely, along with other electronics and devices, etc. And as we are basically computers ourselves, much of everything is experiencing some sort of strange dysfunctional behavior!

For the past few months we have been connecting with what we will need for our work and offerings to be presented. Things have been lining up for awhile, and are continuing to do so at a now rapid rate. Just what we need seems to literally fall into our laps. With the now absence of the prior density that existed, connections are now much easier as there is not nearly so much for us to wade through to get from here to there.

We can no longer create in the ways of the old world. In the New World, everything is effortless. So then, jumping through all those hoops of the 3D reality will simply not work. If anything is an effort, we can simply declare that we are unwilling to participate, and then wait for the effortless manifestation to arriveÖ and it will.

The first wave of lightworkers, mostly those of the baby boomer generation, are now feeling strong urges to retire. Working and putting out any kind of effort can feel downright horrible and exhausting,to say the least. First wavers are ready to be done and to sit back and receive their bounty.

Posted: 11:30:16 AM  

The Power of the People:

BBC Discredited; Retractions on 9/11 Hit Piece Forthcoming?

Following the airing of the show on Sunday evening, numerous websites representative of the 9/11 truth movement issued precise and detailed rebuttals to what many saw as nothing more than an outright hit piece that used crass emotional manipulation, concocted evidence and cynical bias in an attempt to dismiss questions about the official story behind 9/11.

Posted: 11:01:19 AM  

Daily Tao


The five colors blind the eye
The five tones deafen the ear
The five flavors dull the taste
Racing and hunting madden the mind
Precious things lead one

Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees.
He lets go of that and chooses this


The heavy is the root of the light:
The still is the master of unrest

Therefore the sage, traveling all day,
Does not loose sight of his baggage
Though there are beautiful things to be seen
He remains unattached and calm

Why should the lord of ten thousand chariots act lightly in public?
To be light is to loose one's root
To be restless is to lose one's control

Posted: 9:39:32 AM  

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