Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 6 februari 2007
Vista: Cancel or allow?
Apple takes dead aim at Microsoftís Windows Vista in latest Get a Mac - ad - with video

Hopefully this ad will help many come to a sad realization, so they can make the happy decision to cancel Windows and allow themselves Macs.

Posted: 3:49:17 PM  

The World Can't Wait, Won't Wait, Isn't Waiting

Everyone in this room and every participant in this Conference is here because we want peace. Peace and justice.

And these principles of peace and dignity, justice and self-determination were embodied in the policies pursued by our host, The Honorable Tun Mahathir, while he was Prime Minister of Malaysia. In fact, it was Tun Mahathir who put Malaysia on the map for me when he stood up to the world's economic powers and refused to cash their check of dependency. Instead, Tun Mahathir returned their check and said out loud for the entire world to hear that Malaysia would chart its own course. As a result of that singular act of pride, self-determination, confidence, and independence, Malaysia boasts a strong economy and a legacy of uncommon independence.

But, Tun Mahathir has also learned that such independent thinking, and confidence in the people comes at a personal price. For while his message ricocheted around the world and struck me, an African American woman steeped in the Old Confederate South of the United States, the people we fight for are rarely in a position to reward such acts of courage. Yet the powers that be always seem to be able to exact their punishment. So oftentimes, where there is courage, truth, compassion, belief in the people, and a solid sense of right and wrong, there is also aloneness, vulnerability, or deep disappointment.

But instead of abandoning the struggle, we come together at this important Conference to commune with each other, learn from each other, give love and support to each other, recharge our batteries, and continue our work on behalf of what is right in a world currently filled with so much wrong.

Posted: 7:55:50 AM  

Inspiration Peak for Today

A warrior must always keep in mind that a path is only a path; if he feels that he should not follow it, he must not stay with it under any conditions. His decision to keep on that path or to leave it must be free of fear or ambition. He must look at every path closely and deliberately. There is a question that a warrior has to ask, mandatorily: ëDoes this path have a heart?

Carlos Castaneda
American Author
More Inspiration here

Posted: 7:49:45 AM  

Flooding eases, sun shines, but more rain expected

Floodwaters began to recede Tuesday in parts of this capital city, but with more heavy rain expected, everyone from the poor in their tin shacks to the rich in their mansions is still threatened.

Posted: 7:47:18 AM  

Noam Chomsky on BBC, july 2006

Part 2

Posted: 12:42:29 AM  

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