Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 7 februari 2007
Bill Banning iPods In Crosswalks Slated For Albany

Yeah well, what can I add to this?

Posted: 6:49:53 PM  

(Ramah's) Updates and Channelings: CLICK HERE

Posted: 6:31:54 PM  

North America bundles up as bitter winter cold bursts back

Schools closed Tuesday in parts of the state of Wisconsin, where temperatures slid to as low as minus 24 degrees Celsius (minus 11 Fahrenheit) on Monday.

Posted: 1:54:17 PM  

Ancient boy's skeleton sparks evolution debate

But his first public display later this year is at the heart of a growing storm - one pitting scientists against Kenya's powerful and popular evangelical Christian movement.
The debate over evolution vs. creationism - once largely confined to the United States - has arrived in a country known as the cradle of mankind.

Posted: 1:50:53 PM  

Caution Vista Users:

Gates repeated Microsoft's claim that Windows Vista, which launched last month, was the most secure operating system in the company's history. But he acknowledged that all software has "weak links" - particularly when thieves steal servers with confidential information, or when employees use simple, obvious passwords on multiple accounts.

Instead of passwords, Gates favours "public key certificates" - combinations of digital signatures and other identifying information such as a person's name, address, social security number and other data. He calls it the "identity metasystem".

"We all struggle to remember an ever-growing number of user names and passwords as we move between systems at work and home," Gates wrote today in a message posted on the company's website. "Because it is unlikely that a single digital identity system or technology will be universally adopted, a different approach is required."

Read more

Posted: 1:47:33 PM  

Blair: No one planning Iran war

He added that he agreed with U.S. President Bush that war cannot be completely ruled out and not "taken off the table," The Telegraph reported.

So, what is it ...?
Plans or no plans, war or no war?

Blair believes that Iran's own policy could be the undoing of its government and leaders.
Blair is expected to step down this year, clearing the way for Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown to become prime minister.

So who is stepping down, Iran Govt. or Blair?

Posted: 1:23:28 PM  

On Reuters today: Video on Youtube is stirring up officials, here here!

U.S. and British officials denied trying to bury details of a "friendly fire" incident on Tuesday when a cockpit video was leaked in which U.S. pilots are heard weeping after mistakenly killing a British soldier in Iraq.

Posted: 8:12:48 AM  

B.C. braces for possible earthquake

VICTORIA - Check the emergency supplies, first aid kits and flashlights, there is an increased probability of a major earthquake hitting B.C.'s south coast during the next week.

Posted: 8:01:37 AM  

JIMs message for Today

As great as the infinite space beyond is the space within the lotus of the heart.
Both heaven and earth are contained in that inner space, both fire and air, sun and moon, lightning and stars.
Whether we know it in this world or know it not, everything is contained in that inner space.

Chandogya Upanishad

Posted: 7:33:52 AM  

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