Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 8 februari 2007

Us Army veteran witnessed firsthand cash corruption in Iraq.

Posted: 9:37:03 PM  

Latest movie - The Battle of The Forces - C L I C K H E R E

Posted: 7:47:19 PM  

Ground Zero EMT: We Were Told Building 7 Was to Be "Pulled"

A New Jersey EMT has gone public on how emergency workers were told that Building 7 was going to be "pulled," before a 20 second demolition countdown broadcast over radio preceded its collapse. The ground zero rescue worker also blows the whistle on how he witnessed multiple underground support columns of the WTC towers that had been severed before the buildings imploded.

Posted: 6:29:47 PM  

The Thursday Message from Inspiration Peak

To love a person is to learn the song
That is in their heart,
And to sing it to them
When they have forgotten.

Author Unknown

Inspiration Peak

Posted: 6:17:56 PM  

It's more than soldiers who resist war, it's their wives and children

Today, as I was standing on the bridge by Ft. Lewis to support Lt. Watada, I saw a woman with two young children who was among those walking past where I was standing.
She had no sign but was wearing a shirt that said her husband was facing 7 years in jail for refusing to deploy to Iraq.

Posted: 2:09:25 PM  

'Man In The Hood' Tells Of His Tale In Abu Ghraib

Professor Ali Shalah, popularly known as 'the man in the hood' in a famous photograph depicting the torture suffered by Iraqis at the American-run Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, today spilled the beans on the inhumane treatment he received at the detention centre.

Posted: 1:56:09 PM  

Western governments must take seriously the possibility of terrorists exploding a nuclear bomb as the necessary materials and know-how become easier to acquire, security analysts argue in two new reports. Reuters article

Change the word 'terrorist' for a name starting with 'B'.
Interesting article though; keep in mind that all 'hell' will break loose up till 2012, which hell that is, remains to be seen.

Meanwhile WE keep The BALANCE by BE-ing LOVE.

Posted: 8:00:45 AM  

Daily TAO


Heaven and earth last forever.
Why do heaven and earth last forever?
They are unborn,
So ever living.

The sage stays behind, thus he is ahead.
He is detached, thus at one with all.
Through selfless action, he attains fulfillment.


Posted: 7:52:51 AM  

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