Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 17 februari 2007
The War Against Us All

Remember, we are ONE ...

Posted: 11:58:54 PM  

Police face inquiry over signing protest petition

Police officers and staff who used work computers to protest against the Government's road charging plans could face disciplinary action.

Posted: 7:02:43 PM  

John Conner, Alex Jones and "The View

Examples of how exposing 911 truth will set us free!

Posted: 6:17:21 PM  

Italians march in US base protest

Thousands of people are marching in the north-eastern Italian city of Vicenza against a planned extension of the US army base there.

Posted: 5:55:07 PM  

The Inspiration Peak for Today

If God had answered all of my prayers
Iíd be traveling the world on my own private yacht
Involved in several romantic affairs
With women whose beauty I longingly sought.

If God had answered all of my prayers
Iíd have fame and fortune and beautiful weather
Iíd sail along the coast of Spain
And if inclined, stay there forever.

But if God had answered all of my prayers
There Iíd be, a millionaire
Beneath the sun a world away
From where I met you that rainy day.î

Ron Atchison

Inspiration Peak

Posted: 1:23:32 PM  

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