Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 8 januari 2007
Five years of Camp X-Ray: Why are two British residents still in Guantanamo Bay?

Because the UK will not let them home to join their families despite accepting they have spent four years in jail for no reason... An extraordinary legal wrangle has left two men with British families languishing for four years in Camp X-Ray, where they are at breaking point.

Watch also this movie

Posted: 9:57:09 PM  

Disclosures from an insider

Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended a Pittsburgh Pediatric Society lecture on March 20, 1969 where he listened to Dr. Richard Day, an admitted "insider" in the "Order."
The lecture was about the new world system' also called the 'New Order of Barbarians' in which he defined the changes, according to an actual timetable, that would be accomplished by the year 2000.
Procedures and people had long been positioned to implement this nefarious system.
At that time, Day was a Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. He had previously been the Medical Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. His stated purpose in telling this group, about eighty pediatricians, was to make it easier for them to adapt to these changes. He reiterated that people would have to get used to change. He also said: 'People are too trusting; people don't ask the right questions.'

According to Dr. Day, he was relatively free to speak about what was once strictly withheld because "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now."
However, to prevent wide distribution, no recordings or notes were allowed. He suggested that there could be negative repercussions against him if his remarks became widely publicized.
In 1988, after years of compiling what he remembered, Dr. Dunegan recorded his recollections of the 1969 lecture on two tapes.
Dr. Day said: 'Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system.' Keep this concept in mind as you read what follows.

# Most people don't understand how governments operate ó even people in high positions in our own government don't really understand how and where decisions are made.

# Numbers of people living at any one time on the planet must be limited or we will run out of space to live.

# People won't be "allowed" to have babies just because they want to or because they are careless.

# Sex must be separated from reproduction. Sexual activity will not be discouraged but increased, but in such a way that people won't be having babies.

# Contraception would be strongly encouraged, connected so closely in people's minds with sex, that they would automatically think contraception. Contraception will be universally available and displayed prominently in America's drug stores.

Read more here

Posted: 4:39:04 PM  

The Inspiration Peak for Today

It is rewarding to find someone you like, but it is essential to like yourself. It is quickening to recognize that someone is a good and decent human being, but it is indispensable to view yourself as acceptable. It is a delight to discover people who are worthy of respect and admiration and love, but it is vital to believe yourself deserving of these things.

For you cannot live in someone else.
You cannot find yourself in someone else.
You cannot be given a life by someone else.

Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose.

To the question of your life, you are the only answer.
To the problems of your life, you are the only solution.

Jo Coudert

The InspirationPeak
Click here for Message from the Universe for today

Posted: 7:51:41 AM  

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