donderdag, 4 januari 2007 |
Most of Europe is without snow, will there be snow this winter?
To get into Winter-Spirit ...
Click on the photo to enlarge.
Posted: 1:17:37 PM
What memories are made of
Re-wire your brain: we talked a bit about that in Episode #4 on The Force; AND a nice example of how we get our information on a subject too: You just ask and it will be handed to you!
Captain 'L' asked about Rewiring your brain, here is an answer.
Why is it that amnesia patients can't remember their names or addresses, but they do remember how to hold a fork? It's because memories come in many flavors, says Fred Helmstetter, professor of psychology at the University of WisconsinñMilwaukee (UWM). Remembering 'what' is not the same as remembering 'how'.
Posted: 12:58:50 PM
Scientists want MRI to read minds
The Chicago Tribune said the machine is one of the world's most advanced MRI machines. Scientists said the machine's ability to reveal real-time thoughts by tracking the firing of individual neurons in the brain could lead to a major breakthrough in the diagnosis of strokes, autism, Alzheimer's and other disorders.
But Dr. Keith Thulborn, director of UIC's Center for MR Research, which houses the machine, said the main goal is to find out what people are thinking.
"We'd like to get to the stage of reading thoughts," he said.
Posted: 12:55:58 PM
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