Experimental weapens tested in Iraq?
High Tech (many decades ago developed!) Energy Weapons, shooting electrons, (particles) used in war in Iraq.
Good VIEW on how much 'they' know WHAT they use in this war ...
Keep your balance, be Without Judgement and in Unconditional Love while watching this movie.
If you cannot be in Unconditional Love and without judgement, then don't watch this.
And Joy is Everywhere
It is in the Earth's green covering of grass
In the blue serenity of the Sky
In the reckless exuberance of Spring
In the severe abstinence of gray Winter
In the Living flesh that animates our bodily frame
In the perfect poise of the Human figure, noble and upright
In Living
In the exercise of all our powers
In the acquisition of Knowledge
in fighting evils...
Dutch TV talks about 911 and conspiracy; The Netherlands is waking up too.
Broadcasted September 2006. WATCH VIDEO HERE
Movie in Dutch Language with English subtitles.