Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 18 juni 2011



Drop the idea of becoming someone

What's wrong with the sun?

Darkworkers, Lightworkers

We cannot give what we do not have

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down The People


Posted: 9:31:22 AM  

Music for Today

Lyrics | Beyonce lyrics - Halo lyrics

Posted: 9:25:38 AM  

(3) Movie (s) for Today

The Coming, The Knowing, The Going ..

Posted: 9:07:42 AM  

Radiation in Japan: Nosebleed, Diarrhea, Lack of Energy in Children in Koriyama City, Fukushima

A 40-year-old mother with a 6-year-old son was angry, and said "Doctors, researchers, they all say different things. I don't understand how the evacuation areas are determined.
Take Iitate-mura, for example.
They just let the villagers get exposed to high radiation for a month, and when the air radiation level got lower they told them to move out."

Posted: 9:00:21 AM  


The argument for marriage: Unwed parents are six times more likely to split by the time their child is five

So 3D !! ;-)

It has to do with A GREATER 'CAUSE'.

Why a lot of children are born and 4-5 years later parents split, has to do with many lessons, we will discuss only one:

* The "child" (soul) was made (form) - two people are needed for that, man and woman.

This planet is the only planet where people incarnate, develop, grow, into higher consciousness. In this 3D-plane, one needs a body.
Therefor the form (life) is chosen by the child (soul) before its conceived.
The child 'needs' the parents to be born into life (3D).

Posted: 8:39:39 AM  

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