Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 7 juni 2011
Venezuela cuts ties with US over Iran

According to, Venezuela officially "froze" relations with the United States on Sunday, a top diplomat from President Hugo Chavez's government said.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro also hinted that re-establishing relations with the US would be "impossible."

Venezuela on MM's Thought for NOW

Posted: 9:59:03 AM  

Iran ready to send relief aid to Gaza

IRCS Director Abolhassan Faqih, who also heads Iran's National Committee for humanitarian rights, condemned Israel's [base "]inhumane[per thou] measure in blocking the Gaza Strip in a statement, describing the siege as a [base "]blatant[per thou] violation of international humanitarian law, Mehr news agency reported.

Posted: 9:50:44 AM  

Ah, it must be the COFFEE then :-P

Drinking too much coffee can make you hear voices, warn scientists

If you keep hearing things that aren't there, you're probably drinking too much coffee.

In the tests, 92 volunteers were asked to listen to a constant fuzzy sound known as white noise.

The fact that you can't see (hear etc.) it doesn't mean it doesn't exists ...

Posted: 9:47:22 AM  

Thousands flee their homes and flights are grounded as Chilean volcano sends plumes of ash showering down

Local media said the smell of sulphur hung in the air and there was constant seismic activity.

Posted: 9:38:32 AM  

Cartoon for Today


Posted: 9:35:09 AM  

Fear Mongering, pushing the World into another war:

'Iran could produce a nuclear weapon within two months' it is claimed as U.N. atomic watchdog reveals concerns

Iran is only a matter of months from being able to create a nuclear weapon, according to experts.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 54, has long been pushing his country's nuclear capabilities, and at the current rate of uranium enrichment the first bomb could be eight weeks away.

Posted: 9:31:18 AM  

The real seeker of truth never seeks truth

T(w)O Tweet or not to Tweet

The Eye In The Sky

The WHO Plays with Pandemic Fire

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation

Cyclone Heads Toward Persian Gulf Oil Portway

Posted: 9:26:28 AM  

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