Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 25 juni 2011
(how much is your) MIND (under) CONTROL...

Don't click YET on the link to go to the article.
Read this here, ponder for a while ... and THEN open the link:

Terrorism, tool of dominant powers

An important and shocking point [about terrorism] is the evil calculation of dominant powers which have introduced using terrorism as a tool for achieving illegitimate objectives into their policies and planning.

The historical memory of the regional nations will never forget how imperialist states organized terrorists groups such as the World Zionist Organization and more than ten other similar groups to occupy Palestine and estrange its innocent nation.

Another example is the regime of the United States of America which has created a long list of terrorist actions and also financial and arms support for organized terrorists in the countries of the region.

The US, the UK and some other Western countries which have a dark and condemning record of terrorist actions, are advocates of fighting terrorism.

Posted: 9:58:03 AM  

Tiny camera reveals the inside of a Mayan tomb that has been sealed for 1,500 years

Extraordinary footage of the tomb at the Palenque archaeological site in southern Mexico revealed an apparently intact funeral chamber with red frescoes, pottery and pieces of a funerary shroud made of jade and mother of pearl.

Posted: 9:49:47 AM  

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World and 15 SIMPLE TESTS BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO HAVE CHILDREN

Many Dutch prepare for 2012 apocalypse

Claims of 9/11 conspiracy have suspect running scared

Star Wars Stormtrooper

Pensacola Beach Boiling Like Acid

Western Stooge Pahlavi Positioning Himself To Take Power In Iran

Emergency Official Witnessed Dead Bodies In WTC 7

Posted: 9:41:46 AM  

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