Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 18 juni 2007
Russians prepare to evacuate Gaza

The embassy planned to evacuate the Russians from Gaza to Israel and then to Amman, Jordan. They will then be flown to Moscow.

Posted: 11:38:59 PM  

Ramah's Wisdom


of long ago


How long is long

when there is No-Time?

Posted: 10:04:24 PM  

Movie for Today

Leaving Earth Consciousness is to Die ... not as your mind THINKS ..
but in an Universal "matter" ...
When it is TIME are still ALIVE ... and a part of The OLD YOU has died ...
To set foot into the New World of Oneness.

Posted: 10:00:23 PM  


We calculate linear time in duration, and geometric space in parcels. Our measured space takes on 3 dimensions: height, width and depth. Our linear perception of time has 3 parts: past, present and future - but only one dimension: now, and only one direction: forward.

Posted: 9:46:52 PM  

Fractal Animations:

Moving Fractal | Really cool images (Java applet)

Video (Quicktime)

Fractals and the Fractal Dimension | Mandelbrot and Dimensions explained

The fractal dimension

We consider that we live in a three dimensions world: that's what our brain feels, that's what our body feels. We can even build programs that plot 2D views of so-called 3D objects.

Posted: 9:29:16 PM  

Like I have said before: to be watched closely ...

Undercover In North Korea | Video

Posted: 6:40:55 PM  

Isaac Newton saw end of world in 2060

Renowned British scientist Sir Isaac Newton, the father of modern physics and astronomy, predicted the world would end in 2060 in a 1704 letter that went on show in Jerusalem on Sunday.

Posted: 6:36:05 PM  

Bookmark this link:

Masters on Technorati

and use the SEARCH button to find articles easy ...

Posted: 6:18:07 PM  

Daily Motivator

Dare to imagine

In your mind you can go anywhere. And where your mind consistently goes, the rest of your life will follow.

There is no limit to what you can imagine. And what you imagine, you have already begun to create.

Allow your thoughts to travel often to beautiful and magnificent places. In your mind, construct all the rich details of the life you wish to live.

In order to reach for a dream, you must know what it looks like, how it feels, and where it is. Long before you actually get there, your mind can enable you to experience all these things.

Every success is first a success of the imagination. What wonderful pathways will you dare to imagine?

Set your imagination free, and it will show you who you are. Let imagination guide your efforts, and your dreams will be fulfilled.

Ralph Marston | Greatday.Com

Posted: 6:15:58 PM  

Karen Bishops Latest, June 17, 2007, on CHANNELINGs.

We are again being bombarded with higher vibrating energies, and June 13th brought in yet another round. This latest surge supported us in moving through a bit more of any of the roadblock energies that were before us from old creations of the 3D world. Thus, the gates to forward movement opened a little wider and we were then able to push through some things we had not yet been able to before.

I was recently married, and the more I see my new husband in his true and rightful space, with the purity of his soul shining through, the more he becomes just that. It is like magic. He is and vibrates who I imagine him to be in his highest stateÖhe is who he is at his soul level. If I focus on any faults I believe to be there, he becomes those. And not only that, but I find each that and every time I think I see any lower vibrating aspects within him, they are actually and simply within me. So why go there? Why activate that reality about me and about us? And it is really a reality that is simply an illusion anyway! It is much more pleasant to go somewhere else. What we focus on expands, what we think about becomes our experience, and the energies that we spend time in and surround ourselves with become our world. I am blessed to have a truly awesome marriage that feels like a fairy taleÖ

Is it easy? Not in the beginning. But the more we accept where we are now residing (in a higher realms reality), and live accordingly, the easier it becomes, and thus, the magic never ends. It is up to each and every one of us. We are the ultimate creators and can change our experiences in the blink of an eye. Think a different thought. Focus on something else. And poof! Watch as it manifests almost immediately.

Posted: 6:12:28 PM  

The Rothschild Bloodline

Interesting read ...

Posted: 5:35:46 PM  

Monday 's Message from the Universe

Good afternoon fellow adventurer!

What if you DID have the POWER, the REACH and the GLORY?

What if you were given DOMINION OVER ALL THINGS?

And what if ETERNITY lay before you, brimming with love, friends and laughter?

Yet still, one day, in all your radiance, bubbling over with giddy excitement... you tripped, fell, and got hurt... REALLY HURT.

Would you hate yourself? Would you give up on your dreams? Would you forget the magic?

(Hope not!)


Posted: 5:29:23 PM  

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