Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 19 mei 2011
Interesting PageID (in reverse):

Preacher claiming Rapture May 21 'holds on to his stuff'

A Christian broadcaster says "the Bible guarantees it," but so far he's given no indication he's getting rid of his earthly possessions including his radio network, as other Christians label him a false prophet with a dangerous teaching.

Harold Camping, 89, of Oakland, Calif.-based Family Radio is standing firm in his claim that mankind has run out of time and the Creator of the universe is arriving this Saturday, with earthquakes around the globe heralding the event.

In fact, when asked how he was feeling in this so-called final week, Camping admitted he's already got a case of the shakes.

"I am trembling. I have never been at this place before," Camping told CNN.

But there are many Christians who have serious doubts about the May 21 prediction, and some have offered to purchase all of Camping's property.

A letter to Camping from Sol David Cuddeback of Eugene, Ore., offered to take possession of everything Camping owns for a total of $1 on May 22:

"According to your 'prophecy,' you and all the other believers will have departed the Earth the day before, so you will have no need for your possessions any longer," Cuddeback wrote.

"I am dead serious. I want your home(s), car(s), cash, investments, other real estate, contracts, accounts payable, securities, any position of leadership that you occupy, and any interest in any form of business (sole proprietor, non-profit, corporation). If you refuse, then I must take that to mean that you don't really believe your own words to be true, which would make you a false prophet."

Cuddeback says he hasn't heard any reply back from Camping.

When I PREdictate ... I wouldn't bet on it as well, for we still use our brain to channel.
(d'oh ... anyone in their right-mind: I didn't find one yet ...)
That doesn't mean " I agree " with these predictions either: when it's time, we will know ...

Something is UP, we all can feel that, no one kNOWs ...

Posted: 4:14:24 PM  

Frogs Swarmed in China Before the Quake - Now It's California

How many Americans die each year from influenza illness

The Coming of wisdom, the waking up

Posted: 9:01:34 AM  

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

Geologists have long puzzled over anecdotal reports of strange atmospheric phenomena in the days before big earthquakes. But good data to back up these stories has been hard to come by.

In recent years, however, various teams have set up atmospheric monitoring stations in earthquake zones and a number of satellites are capable of sending back data about the state of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere during an earthquake.

Posted: 8:52:51 AM  

Comet EleNin

Posted: 8:50:07 AM  

CDC warns Americans to prepare for zombie apocalypse (really)

Although it may seem unbelievable, this is not a satire piece or a joke. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which has been deeply engaged in the fictions of Swine Flu and other so-called "pandemics," is now publicly warning Americans to prepare for a zombie apocalypse.

The CDC has apparently been listening to my hip-hop song Vaccine Zombie ( and decided to run with the concept. Vaccines, of course, are the real source of zombies because they eat your brain (and cause autism, too).

For some reason, the CDC didn't mention that...

Some of the strategies include preparing all your "important documents" such as your passport and birth certificate. This is obviously based on the idea that you are going to be relocated and will probably end up as a refugee of some sort (in a FEMA camp, no doubt).

So remember to bring your birth certificate.

Posted: 8:41:51 AM  

Aso volcano alert level raised to 2

The Meteorological Agency on Monday raised the volcanic alert level for Mount Aso from 1 to 2, prompting local authorities in Kumamoto Prefecture to ban entry to areas within 1 km of the crater of Mount Naka, one of five peaks in the active volcano's central cone group.

Could it be T H I S ?

Posted: 8:37:08 AM  

Spain protests persist ahead of polls

Thousands of Spanish protesters have camped out in Madrid and several other cities to demand jobs as well as political change ahead of weekend local elections.

Posted: 8:28:17 AM  

Flight 93 heartache as United reuses 9/11 flight numbers and then quickly removes them again

Spokesman Rahsaan Johnson blamed the reuse of flight numbers 93 and 175 on a 'technical error.'
He said the airline has taken steps to have the numbers removed from its computers.

Mindcontrol: As so you remember (the fairy tails ...)

Search and educate: Loose Change, endgames, 911 etc. in this site....

Posted: 8:25:55 AM  

Police guidelines which allow forces to keep fingerprints and DNA of innocent people ARE unlawful, judges rule

ACPO guidelines do not comply with European human rights legislation

Posted: 8:22:41 AM  

Out of touch and out of date: Law against copying CDs to be ditched

The music industry has accepted the proposals.

In The End, who owns anyThing?

RAMAH on copyrights

Read this too: Using Brain to Remember Songs is Criminal Copyright Infringement

Copying Levy Around the world

In the Netherlands a fee is charged on blank media which is passed on to "Stichting Thuiskopie" (Foundation Homecopy), which is in charge of distributing the funds.

Posted: 8:13:28 AM  

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