Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 19 maart 2011
Very close encounters of the 'super moon' kind: Amazing pictures of lunar planet... the nearest it has been to Earth for 20 years

Posted: 10:47:45 PM  


A monstrous filament of magnetism and hot plasma blasted off the sun's southwestern limb today, March 19th, at around 1200 UT. Many amateur astronomers in Europe witnessed the blast and said it was the biggest one they'd ever seen. The blast was not Earth-directed.

Posted: 7:11:17 PM  


At ground zero, the future finally appears

One World Trade Center, otherwise known as the Freedom Tower, has joined the Manhattan skyline. Its steel frame, already clad in glass on lower floors, now stands 58 stories tall and is starting to inch above many of the skyscrapers that ring the site. A new floor is being added every week.

Posted: 7:09:55 PM  

French jets sweep Libyan city besieged by Gadhafi

French fighter jets soared over a rebel-held city besieged by Moammar Gadhafi's troops on Saturday, the first mission for an international military force launched in support of the 5-week-old uprising.

Posted: 7:07:39 PM  

Earthquake Prediction 2011 Jim Berkland - A Major Earthquake in North America Imminent

This youtube is in sync with THIS POSTING - here on MM (Japan Quake - natural disaster ?)

Please READ BACK on LATEST, CHANNELING and ARTICLES as of from DECEMBER 2010 ... and learn to read differently (not 3D !)

Posted: 6:55:12 PM  

Japan Earthquake: before and after

Aerial photos taken over Japan have revealed the scale of devastation across dozens of suburbs and tens of thousands of homes and businesses.

Hover over each satellite photo to view the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami.

Posted: 11:00:22 AM  

Efforts to restore cooling function continue at nuke plant

Connecting a power line to the No. 2 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant is expected to be completed during the day.

Restoring a stable source of electricity is a key step to prevent further deterioration of the situation by cooling down the reactor cores or water in the spent fuel tanks.

Posted: 10:53:08 AM  

Heavy shelling breaks out in Benghazi

Forces loyal to Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi entered the city amid a heavy shelling by fighter jets, while at least one loud explosion crackled near the opposition headquarters in the city and, Reuters quoted an opposition spokesman as saying on Saturday.

"They have entered Benghazi from the West. Where are the Western powers? They said they could strike within hours," said Khalid al-Sayeh.

Posted: 10:43:04 AM  

Photo for Today

Posted: 10:41:10 AM  

Escape from the tsunami: Incredible new footage shows split-second decisions that made the difference between life and death

Posted: 10:33:34 AM  

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