Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 11 maart 2011
High winds cause havoc on the roads... and there's four inches of snow on the way as winter makes a comeback

Winter weather is making an unwelcome return across the country in the form of heavy winds and four inches of snow forecast for some areas today.

Posted: 8:34:38 AM  

As predictated:

Major tsunami damage in N Japan after 8.9 quake

Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that washed away cars and tore away buildings along the coast near the epicenter.

Tsunami warning for pacific region after 8.8 magnitude quake strikes Japan

A tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and US state of Hawaii.

See posting "Stereo photographs of 1906 San Francisco Quake discovered" - March 10 ...

See channeling (date march 8) as well.

Posted: 8:21:11 AM  

2nd posting:

Will March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters?

When the moon goes super-extreme, Nolle says, chaos will ensue: Huge storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters can be expected to wreak havoc on Earth.

(It should be noted that astrology is not a real science, but merely makes connections between astronomical and mystical events.)

It should be noted that paranormal is not a real science, but that it makes connections between the seen and the unseen-worlds, synchronicities and other wonders.
It should be noted that the fact that YOU don't see it, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Posted: 8:19:24 AM  

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