maandag, 7 maart 2011 |
Britain playing 'cat & mouse' in Libya
Britain and the US invested huge amounts of money and manpower in Libya after Gaddafi renounced its nuclear weapons program. Actually, the UK government under Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair played a vital role in bringing Libya back to international fold.
Posted: 8:58:53 AM
Many readers reported an intermittant loss of satellite TV reception over the weekend. Was the sun to blame?
Yes and no.
It is likely that the sun caused the problem, but not because of solar flares. Now is the time of year for the "equinox conjunction," when the sun lines up with the satellite and the receiving satellite dish. When this happens, radio interference from the sun competes with signals from the satellite and can create noise levels several decibels higher than normal.
The problem, which typically persists for 5 to 15 minutes, is referred to as a "sun outage" and is often confused with sunspot or solar flare activity.
Posted: 8:51:52 AM
Hawaii volcano spews lava 20m high
A NEW vent has opened at one of the world's most active volcanoes, sending lava shooting up to 20m high, scientists at Kilauea volcano said today.
Posted: 8:33:28 AM
Rio celebrates 'greatest party on earth'
The monster of all the blocos, the Bloco Bola Preta, filled the centre of Rio with a motley crowd of up to two million people wearing all manner of garb - or in many cases, little at all.
Posted: 8:32:08 AM
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