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vrijdag, 31 augustus 2007
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Uniting ALL Light Walkers (U-ALL) ...

And join the event of times.

Now is the time to join together, (re) uniting all lightwalkers. It is you who came to keep the balance.

The Calling has Begun
On the Path of Love and Light
We walk, We are One
Peace is imminent
Justice is done.

Posted: 8:51:37 PM  

The Appearance of MIRA in Cetus : Abstract on the cosmology of current prophetic signs at the Lion's Gate.

"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.

"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying.

Could the Appleseed Star be the Kachina?

The Hopi and the Lakota Sioux have been helper and guardians of sacred cosmic wisdom in the Americas.

"That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony."

Posted: 5:13:18 PM  

May The Force Be With-IN You

(a Jingle on The Force, Universal Radio Station)

The T A O of Star Wars

Tao, often translated as the way or the path, is the ineffable, eternal, creative reality that is the source and end of all things. Te refers to the manifestation of Tao within all things. Thus, to fully possess Te, one must be in perfect harmony with one's original nature.

The Force is also expressed as two opposites - good vs. evil, dark vs. light. And on a superficial level, it has a parallel in Taoism. One of its icons is the yin yang symbol. A circle divided in two, it represents the unity of apparent opposites. The Yin represents the dark, death, winter and female side of the universe, while the Yang symboilizes the light, life, summer and male side.

But unlike the theme of the positive energy of the Force overcoming the Dark Side in Star Wars, the two sides are 'inseparable' in Taoism.

Inseparable, makes one wonder about 'the fight against dark', the struggle to become 'light'... etc.



Posted: 3:19:50 PM  

Some male-bashing:

Battle of the Sexes: Study Reveals Married Men Lag Behind in Household Chores

A woman shouldn't be surprised if the man she's lived with suddenly stops taking out the trash or putting away the dirty dishes after they get married. The results of a recent international study conducted by researchers at North Carolina State University and George Mason University give credence to wives' complaints that their husbands don't do their fair share of work around the house.

This happens not only in marriage, this happens in every form of relationship and its not only about MEN ... this 'thing' can creep in for both sexes. Its something to be aware of when you have a relation.
DO you want to know more about this?

Listen to EPISODE 7 of THE FORCE RADIO - about LOVE.

Posted: 1:17:25 PM  

An unbeatable computer game?

Researchers have come up with an idea to design a computer game that knows a playerís move about two seconds before the move is made. Using measurements of playersí skin conductance, the computerís sensors can tell when a player is about to press a button.

Posted: 1:08:31 PM  

Moon Games

"We couldn't see Tuesday's lunar eclipse from Europe, so my girlfriend Sabine and our children decided to play some Moon games on the beach," says photographer Laurent Laveder of Bretagne, France.

Katy is taking Romane on her back to try to restrain the Moon which is now too high.

Posted: 12:53:09 PM  

Bomb scare at Mexico skyscraper

More than 10,000 people have been evacuated from a skyscraper in Mexico after police found a handmade explosive device in a car parked in the building.

Posted: 12:34:53 PM  

What a ONEderfull World

Posted: 1:23:29 AM  

The InspirationPeak for Today

It's not too late... the angel said.
Even though the world's a mess...
Even though you're not as young...
Even though you've made mistakes and have been afraid
It's not too late...
And then I saw the world through the angels' eyes...
I saw the colors I could paint
The bridges I could build
The lives that I could touch
The dreams that could still come true
And it became very clear to me...
That it's not too late.

Ron Atchison
The Mayor of Inspiration Peak

Posted: 1:21:50 AM  

Olbermann- Larry Craig Reenactment

Keith Olbermann (and staff) reenact Senator Larry Craig's arrest for lewd conduct in an airport men's room.

Straight from the police report:

Posted: 1:18:07 AM  


Before daybreak on Saturday, Sept. 1st, a flurry of bright and oddly-colored Aurigid meteors will spill across the skies of western North America.
Or maybe not. Forecasters are divided about what will happen this weekend when Earth runs into an ancient stream of debris from Comet Kiess.

Posted: 1:00:41 AM  

The Earth moves for Manchester as sixth tremor in a month shakes the city awake

Bees and locusts swarm and yesterday the people of Manchester discovered that earthquakes do too.

Posted: 12:58:15 AM  

Union: Mexican Trucks Begin Crossing Border Saturday

Union Asks Court To Block Mexican Trucks


The Teamsters Union said it has been told by Transportation Department's officials that the first Mexican trucks will be coming across the border this weekend.
The union said Wednesday it would ask a federal appeals courts to block the Bush administration's plan to begin allowing Mexican trucks to carry cargo anywhere in the United States.

Posted: 12:44:05 AM  

Belt up or face jail time

"We unanimously passed the legislation because we have had so many complaints from citizens who don't want to see young men with pants hanging so low, showing their underwear and, in some cases, their posterior," city council member Louis Marshall said yesterday.

Posted: 12:36:44 AM  

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