Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 17 augustus 2007
Mind Control: America's Secret War | Video

A Must see video

Posted: 10:35:13 PM  

More than half of the low-lying, densely populated nation of 140 million people is covered by flood water

Posted: 10:15:49 PM  

The MI5 Messiah: Why David Shayler believes he's the son of God

David Shayler is sitting before me - slim, tanned, sockless, dressed from top-to-toe in white and very, very chatty.

"I am the messiah and hold the secret of eternal life," he starts excitedly. "It all came about quite suddenly."

Let's begin with: WE ARE ALL SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF GOD ... ;-)

When we learn who we are, step by step, day by day, there is a chance you feel the oneness.
And misinterpret it.
Feeling ONE with Jesus (or others) is quite 'normal', its the interpretation what is 'wrong' is this story.

Think here:
so it's possible people mistake that feeling with actually BEing Jesus (or others).
It's the GroupsSoul we feel, the Oneness.
Misinterpretation of that is what a lot of people are experiencing, not only David. There is a "NET" full of examples, with people saying I am Lord this and that.
Lucky we have also a few good channelers who don't claim to be a person, stick to their channelings and got out of the hiearchy, meaning: not living-off of the energies of their soulfamily.

(There are no 'clients, just family, oneness - this is another subject - ask when you want to know more)

I also read a few articles and saw some clips and noticed the fact that he has been studying some 'dark' material. Combined with drugs that could have an effect on persons. It could be that the voices he hears are not from Light at all. Lately (see latest energy update) the energies are quite dense, so 'dark' attacks, voices-heard from that realm, games-played by that realm, are felt by many. Me included, no one is 100% pure (yet) in channeling.

These are all learning processes for all persons who are evolving in their spiritual process.
Don't Judge! Its easy to say: Duh, what is this guy thinking, what planet did he come from .... he is not all wrong ya know!?!?!!

What would LOVE do? Create another Messiah? Another Teacher to make you Follow The Leader? Another person telling you what to think and how to think? Another being to tell you you 'need' someone, you're not capable of being yourself?
I think we see that in the 'sleeps'-world enough.

I have read some articles about David and still I cannot say anything, because I don't KNOW him, its just what I read in the Media and sure:
You know all too well the Media wants to ridicule all people who are 'different' and have a bash at someone. Are you playing them in the card? Will you do some more bashing yourself? Is that LOVE?



Educate yourself, don't judge and let others walk their paths instead of harrassing them.
Are you without faults?

Posted: 9:50:55 PM  

'Amero' makes coinage debut

Parody designer imagines North American Union currency.

"Like any artist I have to survive by selling my work," Carr said. "I have been reading about the amero and I started asking myself what I would come up with if I was in charge of minting the amero coin for the North American Union."

Posted: 9:12:55 PM  

The World is Round | Photo's

This is a photo presentation of Iran.

Posted: 9:07:58 PM  

Fridays Message from Inspiration Peak

Our creator would never have made such lovely days and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864
American Author


Posted: 8:59:40 PM  

Chertoff: You Will Submit to the Control Grid

Naturally, in order to protect the children, fight crime, and remain vigilant against 'al-Qaeda,' we will need surrender our DNA at the door.
'For terrorists, travel documents are like weapons,' said Ministry apparatchik, Michael Chertoff. 'We do have a right and an obligation to see that those licenses reflect the identity of the person who's presenting it.' In response to the impudence of at least some commoners, who managed to get a handful of states to pass laws opposing Real ID, Chertoff declared identification issued by our rulers will be mandatory for all 'federal purposes,' which include boarding an airplane or walking into a federal building, nuclear facility or national park. In the not too distant future, no doubt, such an ID will be mandatory for the purchase of food.

see also: Symbols in photo's...

Posted: 8:54:19 PM  

Mark your calendar:

On Aug. 28th, the full moon will glide through Earth's shadow, producing a dreamy lunar eclipse visible from five continents.
Graphic artist Larry Koehn created this animation of the Moon-shadow encounter:

Posted: 5:37:23 PM  

A former Red Army toxicologist decided to recreate the beauty of old paintings after witnessing soldiers trampling a French masterpiece during WWII.

Posted: 2:13:30 PM  

Pup Follow Up:

C L I C K here To Watch The Pups on CAM

Posted: 2:02:35 PM  

Daily Motivator

Choose to be inspired

Envy is worse than a waste of time. For when you hold on to thoughts of envy, you are actively holding yourself back.

Envy builds a wall between you and the abundance that could otherwise be yours. Envy can drain you of your best possibilities.

Do you ever resent it when someone else has acquired or achieved or experienced some particular thing and you have not? If so, then your envy actually makes your own situation worse.

Instead of being envious about the good fortune of others, be genuinely thankful for it. That instantly puts you in a much better position to create similar good fortune in your own life.

When you celebrate the achievements of others, you connect yourself in a positive and empowering way to life's abundance. When you choose to be inspired, your eyes will open to many more valuable and positive possibilities.

Be truly thankful for the success that you see around you. And that success will soon become your own.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 9:47:03 AM  

The Calling

New Movie Is Online

Calling ALL Light Workers

To Walk the Path of Light

Re-United, Dance and Sing

For We Are ONE

With every step we take

A New Web is spun

ALL Light Walkers: Thank you for YOU

The Calling has begun ...

Posted: 8:52:28 AM  


Latest Karen Bishop Online:

August 16, 2007

The fall is necessary. If we were to try and 'save' these areas of lower vibrating reality, we would only be hinderin the process and necessary stage of the fall. So then, this is why the US is readying for its great fall. It is necessary. In a strange way, this is a great and wonderful thing. All is in divine and perfect order.

Is there room for a different scenario? Always. There is always room for an easier and softer scenario. What I am reporting to you here, is only the current situation. This is the beauty of choice. This is why psychic readings are not accurate at times. They are given from a perspective of the most current time, and most probable outcome in regard to what is in the 'now' and things can always change.

We have choice.

Posted: 5:38:54 AM  

Beta-launch of a copyrighted video detection tool

Upon the request of entertainment industry copyright holders, we have recently beta-launched a tool which allows us to identify copyrighted content and to prevent its publication on Dailymotion.

YouTube puts a ban on copyrighted material ... for real this time

Posted: 12:55:51 AM  



There is much compelling data that show that indeed the earth's field has reversed many times. How can we square that with the simple dipole and its free decay? A true but oversimplified answer is that the dipole has not actually changed, but that there was some "noise" that has affected the surface. And that is what has caused the apparent reversals to happen.

Posted: 12:41:58 AM  

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