Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 18 augustus 2007
Movie for Today

Calling ALL Light Workers

To Walk the Path of Light

Re-United, Dance and Sing

For We Are ONE

With every step we take

A New Web is spun

ALL Light Walkers: Thank you for YOU

The Calling has begun ...

Posted: 10:18:25 AM  

Daily Motivator

What's right with your life

There are plenty of things that are right with your life. Have you thought about any of them lately?

The goodness in your life is so much a part of you that you can easily take it for granted and rarely give it a second thought. On a regular basis, though, it pays to think about that goodness.

Whatever else may be going on in your world, the fact is that you are extremely blessed in many ways. Think about those blessings that blend quietly into the background, supporting and sustaining you in every moment.

Think for a little while about what's right with your life. The more often you connect with the value that's already yours, the more new value you will create.

When you feel that the troubles and frustrations are dominating your thoughts, stop and turn your mind in a more positive direction. Remember that wherever your thoughts go, the rest of you will quickly follow.

Focus your awareness on the many good things that make up your life. For with your nurturing, those good and valuable things can indeed grow into greatness.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 10:17:12 AM  

Hurricane Dean storm rips into Caribbean

A HURRICANE blasting the Caribbean with winds of up to 200 kilometres per hour has torn away roofs, flooded streets.

Hurricane Dean seen becoming deadly Category 5

Posted: 10:12:45 AM  

Putting up the heat, bring in the fud:

Hijack attempt on Turkish plane

When they did not succeed, the men asked to be flown to Iran, but the plane landed in Antalya.

Passengers told local TV that the hijackers were tall, dark skinned, apparently speaking Arabic and claiming to be from al-Qaeda.

Finding 'things' to go into Iran ... are you buying it?

Posted: 10:09:04 AM  

Be BALANCE in these wonderful times.

These days we all feel something is happening, something is going on...
Much is changing around the globe and then there is this other 'feeling' lurking; we cannot say what but its there ...

BE BALANCE plz, hold on, hang in ... you are doing great!

If you didn't see the Latest Movie (the calling) yet, please do so (scroll here on Latest) ... or Click Here.

The last couple of months the movies were bringing more messages then I was used to.

The movies are to be found on SPIRITUAL MOVIES.

When you want to see more movies, scroll down on that page to the index.

We are exactly where we 'need' or 'supposed' to be.

Remember who you are, the Calling has begun.

Posted: 9:53:00 AM  

Arctic sea ice expected to hit record low

It could also open the Northwest Passage along the northern coast of North America and connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to shipping by as early as 2020 or 2025.

Will happen sooner then thought ;-)

Posted: 12:23:50 AM  

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