Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zondag, 19 september 2010
Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation

Link to this movie

Posted: 8:26:05 AM  

Relativity on the Hudson - on articles

Precisely matching the 5-day gap between Flight 1549 and Obama's inauguration!

Posted: 8:10:51 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Posted: 8:03:10 AM  

D'oh ... crystal ball, amazing powers ...

Scientists Predict Earth-Like Habitable Exoplanet Will Be Found in 2011

Two astronomers have written a paper and say that the first Earth-like, habitable exoplanet will be announced in May of 2011.
Do they have inside information, a crystal ball, or amazing powers of prediction?

No, they base their projection on math and trends from the past 15 years of exoplanet discoveries. And if the discoveries continue at their present rate, the researchers say next year is the year of the long awaited holy grail of finding another Earth-like planet out in the cosmos.

Posted: 8:01:00 AM  


This morning, Sept. 19th around 0200 UT, magnetic fields around the sun's north pole became unstable and erupted.

This event shows, by the way, that sunspots are not required for explosions on the sun. There was certainly no sunspot at the base of this explosion; sunspots are never found at the sun's poles.

Posted: 7:56:45 AM  

The Friday Message from Inspirationpeak

In this now ...

It's not enough to have lived.
We should be determined to live for something.
May I suggest that it be creating joy for others,
sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind,
bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.

Dr. Leo Buscaglia, 1924-1998

More here, from Leo Buscaglia

Posted: 7:43:59 AM  

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