Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 16 september 2010
Daily Motivator

What you get is what you see

Is it really a problem, or is it your perspective that makes it look like a problem? What if you looked at it differently?

Is your life stuck because of some outside influence, or are you the biggest factor holding yourself back? What would happen if you took a few steps outside your comfort zone?

Everything that comes to you, first comes through your perceptions. The reality upon which you base your decisions and actions is the version of reality that you choose to perceive.

You cannot change what has already happened. However, you can easily change the way you see it.

Your circumstances are what they are. And in those circumstances, whatever they may be, you can choose to find empowerment and positive possibilities.

What you get is what you see. Choose to see each day, each moment, each situation as an opportunity to move forward, and that's exactly what you'll get.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 8:15:53 AM  

Does the Obama "Preventative Health Care" Executive Order Impose Codex?

The Natural Solutions Foundation,, of which I am the Medical Director, has been attending Codex meetings for several years now and providing daily video and written reports of the genocidal proceedings.

We have traveled the world's poorest countries sharing the innovative and successful Codex Two Step Process with those countries to allow them to deviate from the dangerous and deadly Codex Guidelines and Standards without fearing WTO trade sanctions which are the real enforcement power of Codex, which is otherwise totally toothless in the face of the Codex Two Step strategy.

Posted: 8:11:21 AM  

The Dark Side of Laura Knight Jadczyk &

Anyone who's getting info through a Ouija board is a dummy amd shouldn't be trusted.
The other behavior outlined here seems to be typical of the cult mentality that often overtakes those who set themselves up as prophets of Dark Things to Come.

The Doom & Gloom backdrop is really a big tipoff as far as I'm concerned. I was suckered into buying ZetaTalk and the 2003 Nibiru Death Planet Flyby scenario from 1995 right up to May 2003. It's fairly obvious now that the promotion of Doom & Gloom is a big part of the Illuminati's strategy to keep up locked down in fear.

Posted: 8:07:52 AM  

Belgian Catholic Church sex abuse: we feared compensation claims

Belgium's Roman Catholic Church did not apologise for decades of endemic child sexual abuse by its clerics because an official apology would triggered a flood of expensive compensation claims, a senior bishop has admitted.

Posted: 8:00:37 AM  

It has nothing to do with the oilspill, sure ...

It certainly looked like another nightmare for the already demonised oil company.

But Louisiana's Department of Wildlife and Fisheries experts say low tide and high temperatures were to blame for the deatsh of such huge numbers of fish in Plaquemines Parish.

Spokeswoman Olivia Watkins said today that department biologists found the fish kill had nothing to do with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Posted: 7:54:25 AM  

French Gypsy deportation compared to Nazi action

The EU commissioner, responsible for upholding free movement rights for all EU citizens, further fuelled a bitter row over the French deportations of 8000 Gypsies since the beginning of the year by comparing the policy to Nazi round-ups of Gypsies and Jews.

Posted: 7:44:44 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Posted: 7:34:55 AM  

The Wednesday Inspirationpeak

On a thursday?

Being happy
doesn't mean
everything is perfect;
it just means
you've decided to see
beyond the imperfections.

Buddhist Teaching

Posted: 7:34:15 AM  

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