vrijdag, 10 september 2010 |
Interview with Fidel Castro
He was fighting for his life for four years. Entering and leaving the operating room, intubated, being fed intravenously, catheters, frequent lapses into unconsciousness ...
Posted: 7:46:05 AM
5 a day keeps the doctor away ... Could this be why "they" want "US" to quit smoking?
Dangers of Smoking Tobacco?
Parkinson's disease, restenosis, which is, the occlusion of coronary arteries, gum disease, Alzheimer's, and SO MUCH MORE ...
The dangers to your health of these medical conditions being contracted by or aggravated by smoking cigarettes is well known..... IF, you listen to politicians and watch television and movies.
However, it is not well known that all of these ailments can be cured or greatly suppressed by smoking tobacco.
Posted: 7:36:47 AM
Aurora's and sunspots
"It's not often I get to see purple auroras," says photographer ÿystein Lunde Ingvaldsen.
Just as sunspot 1105 was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8th, the active region erupted, producing a C3-class solar flare (peak @ 2330 UT) and a fantastic prominence.
Posted: 7:26:18 AM
Interesting or FUD?
U-boats landed saboteurs on the U.S. coast
They were supposed to stage attacks on economic targets such as New York's Penn Station, hydroelectric plants at Niagara Falls and aluminium factories in Illinois and Tennessee.
Details of the landings are revealed in a German documentary - Attack on America - Hitler's 9/11 - being aired tomorrow on the ninth anniversary of the Twin Towers attacks.
Posted: 7:18:29 AM
Robbed by the banks WE own:
The August average is 38 times higher than the base rate of 0.5 per cent, which means the banks are cashing in every time one of their customers falls into the red.
If account holders exceed their overdraft limit they face further penalties in the form of fees and even higher rates.
Posted: 7:15:06 AM
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