Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 4 september 2010
Movie for NOW

Toward Integral Consciousness

Link to this movie


Posted: 6:22:24 PM  

International Center for 9/11 Studies Secures Release of Thousands of Photos and Videos from NIST

We are currently looking at the best ways to distribute these materials to interested researchers and journalists around the world. It has taken NIST more than 8 months so far to produce a partial archive of photographs and videos in their possession, but we hope to be more efficient in our efforts. Because of the huge volume of data, we are working on a wiki-style website to facilitate review and discussion of any interesting items that are discovered by researchers.

Posted: 10:08:04 AM  

Daily Motivator


Many things that were considered completely unreasonable a hundred years ago are so common today that everyone takes them for granted. Great progress is made by those who have the foresight and the courage to be unreasonable.

Are your decisions being guided by the conventional wisdom about what is and what is not possible? That can keep you trapped in frustration and mediocrity.

Instead, listen to your heart and decide upon what you must do. Go beyond being merely reasonable, and live the life that you know is you.

Instead of worrying about whether something is reasonable or not, focus on how much you truly desire to let it be. Put the power of passion behind your efforts, and it won't really matter whether something is reasonable or not.

If fulfilling your true purpose means being unreasonable, then go ahead and be unreasonable. Instead of compromising your dreams to fit into what the rest of the world thinks, lift the world up to match your highest vision.

Unreasonable people change the world. Be willing to be unreasonable, and you'll make your own world a more beautiful and fulfilling place.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 10:05:15 AM  

Powerful 7.1 quake hits New Zealand's South Island

A powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake damaged buildings, cut power and knocked fleeing residents off their feet on New Zealand's South Island early Saturday, but there were so far no deaths and only two injuries reported.

I R I S - seismic monitor

Posted: 9:37:33 AM  

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